Go Vote Like It’s Your Job

Have you voted yet today?


I hope you’ve already got time marked out today to do so. Remember that even if you show up five minutes before the polls are to close and see a long line, as long as you’re standing on that line by the cut off time, you’ll still get your chance to vote.

And like the title, says, go vote like it’s your job. Because it really is. People fought and died to break away from another country to form this democracy, fought and died to defend this democracy, fought and died to declare we’re all equal and guaranteed a vote regardless of gender and race, just to give you that opportunity. When elections happen, all eligible voters are given their right to cast their vote so the will of the people of this country is determined. So yeah, it is your job.

You may not be happy with the political process, or like any of the people running for office. You may not have strong feelings about local issues. But that’s no excuse to say you aren’t voting. “My vote doesn’t matter.” or “I don’t like anyone enough to go vote.” are not excuses.

If you don’t like any candidate, that’s fine – write in someone else or don’t vote in that particular race. Even a write-in for Jon Stewart is an important vote because it tells the country you’re not happy with the choices being given to you and frustrated with the system. And you likely do have an opinion on most local issues, as they will impact you either in taxes or in rights. Even if you’re not passionate one way or the other, vote for whichever way you’re slightly leaning. It still counts.

You may be voting for Romney. And I would still encourage you to vote, even if I don’t agree with you, because it’s your right and you deserve to have your voice heard as much as me, voting for Obama.

Breaking the nonpartisan tone of this post, I did vote for Obama. I did it because over the last four years our lives have improved. Four years ago we were unemployed and struggling to keep our home. When we needed help, it was there. We have jobs again and we see the economy improving.

My daughter can no longer be denied health insurance because she has autism. Both of my daughters are getting a good public school education that makes sure they stay ahead of the curve thanks to funding that gives the school the resources for special needs classrooms and aides, supplemental gifted education and smaller class sizes. I want them to be guaranteed equal pay for equal work. And beyond not wanting think about puberty and everything that comes with it, I want them to have the right to control their own bodies.

So go vote. Because you can.

Edited to add: if you choose to comment, no political fighting, please. There are plenty of places out there where they welcome a political debate. Or you can visit www.blogger.com and start your own free blog to share your own beliefs. Today it’s just about voting.

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  1. Voted this morning…for Obama. When I voted for him the first time we were in deep financial trouble and my husband was being laid off and rehired sporadically. These past 4 years have been prosperous so give me four more please.

  2. I voted for Obama as well after many nights of heated arguments with my Republican husband about both parties and what they stand for. I’m not going to lie, it was a hard decision for me because a lot of bad things happened to my family when Obama took office BUT my then boyfriend, now husband and I were able to buy a home and get a first time buyer tax credit, make our home energy efficient and get another tax credit, I was able to go back to school and my dad finally has a good job.

    I just don’t want people telling me what to do with my body, I want people to have equal access to healthcare and I could go on and on. But I agree, people should just get their butts out there and VOTE!

  3. I VOTED!!

  4. I just want to say THANK YOU OHIO!