I Don’t Think It Means What You Think It Means

Alright it’s Election Day, and you know what that means. Get out there and vote! No matter where you live in the US, there’s probably something important that you should be voting on today. Your voice is just as important as any other, so make sure it counts.

And if you’re in Columbus, well, you know what I’m going to say next. Please don’t forget to vote today, and vote NO for Issues 50 & 51. Our team put together a great summary of why you should vote no, and as a parent of Columbus students, who has done the research and opted out of sleep and most other free time to make sure I had the most educated view on the issues, I’m certain that voting no is the right choice.

If you’re less swayed by an educated mom, then perhaps conspiracy theory is more your style: why would the pro-levy side have over $2 million campaign dollars provided by corporate funding? What do these companies stand to gain, ’cause you know many of them haven’t given a second thought to our school district before this?

It's OKAY to Vote NO

Now for a little humor.

With all of this going on, I’ve been carefully reading Facebook for mentions of anything city or school politics related. Over the weekend I saw this post from the Gateway Film Center, who hosted a pro-levy event last night:

“GALLERY HOP: Looking for the latest issue of Columbusland, featuring one of our favorite superheros (hint: it’s Mayor Mike Coleman)? We’ll be giving them out tonight at Da Levee during Gallery Hop — we even packed some of the issues with FREE movie tickets.”

Mayor Mike Coleman? A superhero? You mean when he’s not yelling at concerned PTA parents?

But then I looked closely at the image provided with the post:

Superhero or Swindler?That’s no superhero.

What they were calling their image of their “superhero” mayor was more like, as one observant commenter quipped, “Mayor Michael Calrissian.”

Yes, they put the mayor’s head on Lando Calrissian, from Star Wars.

LandoOh, Billy Dee…

I’m shocked that a FILM CENTER could produce such a horrific lapse in geek knowledge. Shouldn’t they know better?

Portraying the mayor as Lando suddenly provided a totally different perspective on the mayor, a perspective that has been growing since that PTA meeting. I couldn’t help but comment:

I’m not sure if you meant that in irony or just don’t know your geek references. That’s not a superhero, that outfit is Lando from Star Wars. You might remember him as a con artist, smuggler, gambler & swindler. And a pretty lousy friend, too. Remember this quote from him? “This deal gets worse all the time.”

And so, Gateway Film Center, I don’t think your image came off with the meaning you were intending.

That said, the image that was portrayed?

Nailed it.

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  1. This still makes me laugh so much. So, so glad you posted that comment.

  2. Wouldn’t a real Columbus superhero be dressed in scarlet and grey, not something very near to maize and blue?

  3. You’re awesome.

  4. Awesome – unfortunately most of those who saw it would not have seen what you saw. That being said – unintentional truth leaking through? Funny!