My 10 Second Introduction

OK, enough moping, and on to something fun. So MochaMom is asking everyone to introduce themselves before BlogHer so we have a little bit of an idea who we’re meeting. But this year she’s asking for a 10 second intro. So who am I?

I am:

– 31
– have a B.A. in History
– starting nursing school in the fall as a career change
– a fan of sci-fi and historical costume drama movies
– somewhat socially awkward
– someone who rarely wears makeup or spends a ton of time on her hair
– fashion challenged (but I did remember to buy my Spanx to hold in the postpartum tummy!)

Time’s up? But there is so much more! Guess you’ll just have to talk with me to find out the secret about that time in the whisky museum in Scotland…

Even though I went to BlogHer last year, I’m literally twitching with nervous excitement this week. There are women I met last year that I am looking forward to seeing again, and there are several I can’t wait to meet for the first time.

A tip for when you meet me: I can get overwhelmed in large crowds, so if you notice my eyes wandering around the crowd while we’re talking, I swear I’m listening. Seriously. I’ve always been a good multi-tasker, and now that I have kids, I’m a professional multi-tasker. So please forgive me if I’m not looking right at you the entire time – I will try to keep all of my senses on one conversation at a time.

The big change for me this year is that I’m bringing the whole family with me. Mira will be in the baby sling with me much of the time (if you’re doing the scavenger hunt, catch me nursing and it’s 15 points!), and Cordy will be in childcare, possibly making an appearance in the evenings. Too bad there’s not a scavenger hunt category for meltdowns, because I’m sure she’d be happy to oblige for you.

Aaron will also be in Chicago, too. Mostly he’ll be on his own, ready to take Mira if I need a break, but he’ll be attending the cocktail parties in the evening. Then we can put him next to Queen of Spain’s Aaron and see if they really are long lost brothers, or if they’re actually clones and the world will fold in on itself.

I did get my business cards in the mail the other day, and they look spiffy. No swag for me to hand out, but if Mira or Cordy act up too much they might get raffled off to some lucky participant.

And finally, Mira has reached a developmental milestone that might charm everyone she sees. She’s now smiling.

I call this one the “coy smile”…

…and this one “the drunken frat boy”. Yeeeaahh!
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