The Secret to Spring Break: Candy and Cardboard

Whew! Last week was a little rough on me. Every year I say that I’m going to plan something fun and structured to do when the kids are out of school for spring break, and every year the time comes and I’ve got nothing planned.

That week off of school is always a wild time for us. Cordy thrives on schedule and routine, and even if I did put a routine in place for the week, it wouldn’t be enough since it wouldn’t be the same routine she’s used to with school. So she’s generally either cranky and super-sensitive, or she’s zoned out playing games on the computer. (Which I allow more than usual, because it keeps her calm.)

Mira, on the other hand, wants nothing more than someone to play with her. I sometimes laugh (so I don’t cry) at how we had two daughters who could be such opposites: Mira wants companionship and begs Cordy to play with her, while Cordy wants nothing more than to be left alone and not bothered by her little sister. Whether they are playing together or not playing together, someone is always unhappy.

You can see how this scene plays out over a week of being home from school. However, I’m becoming a very good mediator, so I guess there’s some good to come out of it.

I decided (thanks to a coworker’s brilliant suggestion) to let them eat ALL of their Easter candy on Monday. Yes, all of it. I even threw in some leftover Halloween candy, too. They were also given unlimited TV and computer time. In exchange for this, they were agreeing to let me work with as few interruptions as possible, and to not fight with each other.

I’m somewhat stunned to report that it worked rather well. You’d think two kids with that much sugar running through their bloodstreams would be difficult to handle, but they were surprisingly pleasant and the day went better than expected. Bonus: nearly all of the candy is gone from the house. Double bonus: at one point Mira asked me, “It’s still OK to eat some healthy foods today, right mama? I’m tired of candy – can I have a banana?” WIN.

My mom came to the rescue on Tuesday and part of Wednesday, taking the kids to my aunt’s house so I could get more work done.

Aaron wasn’t working on Thursday, so he was primarily in charge of entertaining the kids. I did join in on a lunchtime trip to Chuck E. Cheese that day before I sent them out of the house to work in peace and quiet.

Friday was the hardest. Aaron was at work, I was home with the kids, and they had officially hit a wall with spring break. The novelty of no school had worn off and they were bored. For Cordy, this means she wants to retreat into her electronic devices as much as possible and avoid all human contact, especially contact with her sister. For Mira, being bored translates into being hungry ALL of the time and a need to bother Cordy. We were reaching Mom Annoyance Threat Level Red very quickly.

Our salvation came in the form of a UPS delivery man with a package. My new Keurig arrived (purchased to replace my dead one) and it was sent in a large box. As I pulled it out, Mira walked into the kitchen and noticed the big empty box. “Wow, that box is big!” she exclaimed. “Look! I can fit in it!”

I nodded as I was rushing to set up my new caffeine provider. I looked back at her just as a moment of inspiration crossed her mind. “Mommy? Can I have this box? It can be my spaceship!”

Her idea took flight in my own brain. “Why yes, Mira, that’s a great idea. You should go grab your markers and decorate the box so it looks like a real spaceship!”

She fell out of the box, scrambling to get her markers before I changed my mind about letting her use them. Returning to the kitchen with the whole pack, she set to work drawing stars and planets and different shapes all over the box.

Cordy even became interested and asked if she could join in. The two of them spent an hour making it look just right, while I sipped my first cup of coffee from my new Keurig. (It was a very, very happy hour for all of us.) The next hour was spent playing in the box while I worked.

I’ve never seen them work together so well and have so much fun with something as simple as a box. Why have we spent all this money on toys and games when all I needed was some cardboard?

To sum up: candy and a cardboard box were the most successful distractions of spring break. Take note, parents! Apparently the simple things in life really are the best.

Still, even with finding some success, I shed no tears in loading them onto the school bus again this morning. We all need our usual routine.

It’s Time For A Diet Tune-Up

Confession: I’ve gained about seven pounds this winter. Ahhhh, that feels better to admit.

Wait…no, it doesn’t.

I always gain a little weight between Halloween and the end of Winter. I enjoy the holiday eating, and I’m not as active during the cold season. I don’t mind a few pounds of gain, but seven is on the upper end of my comfort zone.

Hibernation season is over now, and it’s time to get back on track.

I’m choosing to start by restructuring my food, which is easy considering all of the junk we’ve been eating lately. Step one is getting all of the bad stuff out of the house. Since I don’t want to throw it all out, that means this week is eat all the food week.  And OH we have a lot of it.

 Please note the Nutella shown here is no longer an issue.

Once it’s all gone, we’re switching to a diet of real food. Fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans, lean meats and limited grains. It’s not quite paleo, since we can’t give up dairy and beans, but limiting our grains should be easy. Aaron is gluten-free already, so his grains are already limited. The goal is to limit processed foods to less than 20% of our diet. Baby steps, folks.

And we’re slowly detoxing from diet soda. I have a hard time giving up my diet soda, but I know it’s for the best because of all of the chemical junk in soda. At the moment we’re not buying soda to keep in the house and only drinking it when we eat out. This has left me with some massive caffeine headaches, partially because our Keurig machine has decided it’s coffee brewing days are done. I broke down and ordered another one, but it won’t be here until the end of the week.

Eating better isn’t just about losing weight. My children also have fallen into some poor eating habits. Mira used to eat apple slices and bananas almost daily, but now she holds out and begs for processed snack crackers instead. (Cordy still eats apple slices all the time. She has a limited list of fruits she’ll eat, but at least she’ll eat some.) It’s up to us to set the right example to get them back on track, too. If there’s less junk food in the house, there’s less unhealthy options for meal and snack time for all of us.

Plus? It’s all about giving myself the best chance to live a long, long time. I lost all of the weight to begin with because I didn’t want to be unhealthy around my kids. Now that I’m a few years older, it’s not just about being unhealthy around them, it’s about living long enough to see grandchildren someday. (Which I want to be a LOOOOONG way off, just to be clear!)

I’m a lot smaller now, but my insides still aren’t so healthy. I’m lousy at full-life adjustments, so it’s about baby steps and making tune-ups to my habits, and now it’s time to tune-up my diet again.

What are your best eating natural tips? I’ll be stalking all of your Pinterest boards for easy recipes this week.

Domesticity, Conferences and Dresses

Over the weekend we moved a little closer in my goal of making this house look like it has permanent residents and not just transients passing through. Two more rooms have curtain rods! Like, real curtain rods screwed into the walls, and not spring rods. That makes twice as many as we previously had.

 Please ignore the bad lighting, ugly ceiling and lack of paint. Work in progress, folks.

The living room curtain rod (which I bought over two months ago and has been sitting in a box) is also now in place, although still lacking in anything to put on it. But now that it’s in place, I’m more motivated to buy curtains. Mira’s room also has a new curtain rod and new curtains. No surprise, she picked pink striped curtains.


I’m also making progress on my desk area. I bought this file organizer at TJ Maxx and can’t wait to hang it on the wall and start using it:

I love the chalkboard panels on each pocket. I don’t have a lot of papers I need for work, but if I hang it just off to the side of the desk, I can also use it to organize school papers, tax info, etc. There’s a lot of possibility with it.


Mira recently asked me to make her a shawl. She had noticed the shawl I occasionally wrap myself in and when she found out that I made it, she wanted one, too. It’s been over a year since I knit anything, mostly due to an inability to carve out time for myself, so I thought this might be a good way to get me back into knitting. I clearly had no idea what I was agreeing to, however, when I took her out on Sunday to pick out the yarn for her project:

Ouch. Hot pink with bits of metallic shimmer. Well, at least there will be no way to lose her when she wears it. She’ll probably be visible on Google Earth maps.


I’m going to the Blissdom conference later this week in Dallas. This will be my first trip to Texas, not counting changing plans in Houston a few times. I’m looking forward to seeing old friends and meeting lots of new bloggers and generally immersing myself in the blogging world for a few days.

Going to blog conferences now (for me, at least) isn’t so much about picking up new tricks for blogging as it is about networking and getting inspired. I’m fairly set in my ways, but I love finding new folks to read and hearing the “we matter” blogger pep talk that refreshes me and keeps me writing.

I still have to pack everything for the trip, which is the worst part of going to any conference. It seems like the minute I need to pack for a trip, my entire closet of clothing is suddenly too tight, too loose, or doesn’t match with anything else. Frustrating.

And of course there’s the flying part. I still hate flying. Here’s hoping it’s a smooth flight so I don’t grab the arm of the person next to me if there’s turbulence.

Anyone else going to be at Blissdom? I’m usually not hard to find, since I rarely stay in one spot for long. As long as you’re in one spot, I’m sure I’ll pass by. On Friday night, you’ll probably see me in a dress that looks a lot like this:

Only mine has cap sleeves and is longer.

I’ll be reviewing this dress soon. I received it for review from eShakti, and (spoiler!) I love the dress and the company. I’ve yet to find anywhere else that will customize a dress to fit you perfectly. (If you’re already interested in shopping for a new dress, I have a coupon code for your order – just use the code MMMYSTRY for 20% off.)

Now everyone think good thoughts that I don’t spill something all over myself or fall down stairs or completely offend someone with an ADD-moment or do something else to embarrass myself while I’m at Blissdom. (I’ll also chicken out on karaoke to keep myself from absolute embarrassment.)

Creating My (Tiny!) Home Office

It’s been nearly a year since I started working from home. During this time, I’ve wanted to have a home office of my very own, but didn’t have the time to design anything or find the space for it.

So my office has been the corner of the loveseat with an end table to place my laptop and a folding table in front of it to hold my notebooks/glasses/pens/etc. It wasn’t my intention to keep such an unofficial (and cramped) work space for such a long time, but hey, at least it’s a comfy place to sit.

Earlier this year, my aunt bought a new house – a larger house – and I saw an opportunity to create some space here for myself. I had been visualizing the area between our living room and the dining room as the perfect spot for a mini-office.

The only issue was the piano taking up all of that space. The upright piano is mine, a gift from my grandmother after I taught myself to read music and play piano when I was a kid. I love the piano, but it hasn’t had a lot of use lately. I rarely get a chance to play it, and both Cordy and Mira have shown zero interest in wanting to learn to play. 

So I asked my aunt if she would take the piano for us, at least until we (someday) have a bigger house where it might fit. Since there was plenty of room in her new house, she gladly accepted it (she can play as well), and offered me her desk in trade.

I had planned to find my own desk for the office, but when given the option of a free desk and chair, it’s hard to turn it down. Free trumps even IKEA prices.

My new office space now has a basic structure to it, which leads to the real dilemma: how do I transform this area into a super-usable office? I’m starting (nearly) from scratch with it. This is the current set-up:

The kids’ bookcase on the left will be moving a little further to the left to give me some space. To the right is a small filing cabinet with the printer on top of it. The desk fit perfectly where the piano used to be. Realize this will be a very small office crammed between two other spaces – for reference, I’m taking these photos perched on the staircase.

 (There’s still cleaning to be done, of course. And I need to move that framed art hiding under the table at the moment.)

Kinda bland, eh? I still need to scrub down the wall to remove the years of dust from behind the piano, but as you can see, it’s a blank canvas, waiting to become a beautiful office.

I’m begging for ideas here. What does this space need? I’m already considering some shelving on the wall and possibly a calendar. I might add a roll-out filing cabinet under the desk, too. There’s very little natural light in this area of the house, so maybe a lamp? Or bright artwork to make it more cheery? (My Happy Light will likely be joining the desk space as well.)

Because this area is the connector between the living room and dining room, I’ll also have to find a way to make it look like it’s own defined space without walls, doors or room dividers. I’ve got just under 8 feet of width along the wall with four feet out from the wall to work with – anything further out will cut off the walkway between rooms. 

I know several of you are gifted with the creative gene, so I’m hoping you’ll help me brainstorm ideas for transforming this into a bright, cheery office that I will look forward to working from each day. Once it’s all in place, I’ll do a big before-and-after reveal.

I can’t decide if being excited about having a real home office space is normal or just proves I’m old?

Ten Years

It was on this day, ten years ago, that I stood in front of our friends and family and said “I do” to joining in marriage with Aaron.

Ten years. Wow.

Some things have changed since that time, while others stay the same. We have a house now, and a dog, although two of our cats have been with us all along. The only blogging I did at the time was on LiveJournal, but now blogging is a much bigger deal. Aaron still makes his weekly pilgrimage to the comic book store, and ten years of added comics makes me glad we bought a house larger than needed at the time.

And of course we are now parents to two beautiful daughters. That’s a big change.

 (They can be a little silly, too.)

The past ten years have been…interesting. I can’t say they’ve been totally awesome, because there have been a lot of painful moments mixed in with the happy ones. Our life together was nearly ripped apart at one point. But that’s real life, isn’t it? The vows say “for better or worse” but many people don’t think about the “worse” that could come their way, because it’s a happy day full of promise for the future.

The biggest myth about marriage is expecting it to be effortless like the media prefers to portray it. It’s not. It takes effort and determination and work, the levels of which can vary from day to day. You occasionally have to be utterly selfless, painfully swallowing your ego and setting aside your wants for the sake of the other person and for the sake of your partnership. However, it IS a partnership, and your partner will (should?) do the same for you when needed as well. And the rewards from each person making those small sacrifices are exponentially greater than what was given up.

(Kinda like a rehearsal for parenting, eh?)

We’ve been through ten years of absolute joy and plenty of struggle, and we’re still together. We learned how to be partners, how to work through our problems, and how to keep love going even when the newness starts to fade. It hasn’t always been easy, but it’s not always hard either.

I can look back at our first ten years of marriage and say we’ve learned a great deal about how to make a life together. I doubt we’ve figured it all out, but I don’t think that happens for a long, long time. If ever! But that’s OK, it gives us something to work towards.

Today on our tenth anniversary, I hope for many more years together for Aaron and I, and I hope our family will prosper in the years ahead. As cliche as it sounds, I’m so thankful to have married my best friend. I love you, dear, and I love our geeky little family.

Ready to take on the world together. (Yes, I had to throw another Disney picture in.)
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