Another Mole Removed & My Skin’s A Little Safer

Three weeks ago I had my twice-a year skin check with my dermatologist. Twice a year? you say? Yes, twice. I’m one of the lucky ones who gets to have every inch of my skin checked twice as often due to genetics and poor choices as a child.

While I’m not graced with an alabaster complexion, we can safely call my skin tone extra light beige. Pale skin might have been all the fashion at some point, but it doesn’t hold up well to sunlight. When I was a kid, even though my mom made sure there was a bottle of sunscreen in my bag when she dropped me off at the pool each day for summer break, I didn’t wear sunscreen. I also don’t tan easily, meaning I spent most of my summers in various phases of the burn and peel cycle. My nose was permanently red during the warmer months, and remains redder than my other skin from repeated burning.

And let’s not forget my teenage obsession with tanning beds. After all, everyone was doing it, and I didn’t want to be the palest girl at the prom. Thankfully, I was only allowed to tan right before prom and no other time.

So with that kind of history, I’m a heightened skin cancer risk. Before my most recent visit, seven suspicious moles have been removed over the years. (Seven? I think it’s seven. I’ve lost count, truthfully.) Of those, all but one of the biopsies came back as abnormal. Not cancer, but displaying the behavior of cells that could become malignant. I haven’t missed a single one of them.

I wasn’t that surprised, then, when my dermatologist took a close look at a spot that had been growing on my back and determined that it might be worth getting a tissue sample just to check it out. I never argue with her on this – if she thinks it warrants a sample, grab the lidocaine and scalpel and get to it.

The wait for the results is such a long wait. It takes about two weeks, but I didn’t hear anything back as the two week mark passed. I finally called yesterday to get my results. When they called me back, the triage nurse thankfully started with the most important part of the news: cancer-free.


Then he started into a long explanation of how the pathology report showed that the cells did have an unusual behavior, could turn into cancer at some point, etc. I’ve heard it all before, and I’m a nurse so I understand the basics of skin cancer, but let him keep explaining it as if it was my first experience. He noticed my silence and asked if I understood. I replied, “Oh, yes, I understand. I’ve had several other moles removed that came back the same way.”

He laughed and asked why I didn’t stop him during his spiel if I was an old pro at this. I still like to hear the reassurance, and I need the reminder that a little mole can be abnormal but harmless at the moment and deadly later, so it’s good to stay vigilant about getting them checked.

The doctor didn’t take all of the edges of this one, so I have to go back under the knife in a month to remove more. I really don’t mind. Any mole she excises that is determined to be abnormal but cancer-free means we won that battle. Parts of my skin considered trying to kill me, but I cut them out before they had the chance to act. The (mutated cell) terrorists don’t win today.

I willingly show the tiny scars on my back, arms and abdomen to my kids, explaining why I have them and why it’s so important for them to be safe in the sun. My mom WAS right – I needed to wear sunscreen, and I’m dealing with the consequences of not listening to her. And I make sure my two girls wear sunscreen and hats as much as possible, too. They don’t like it, but it’s not nearly as uncomfortable as cleaning & caring for a hole in your skin where a suspicious mole used to be.

Band-aid covering removed moleWhat? You don’t have Mickey band-aids in your house?

I wear sunscreen regularly now. I try to respect my British Isles heritage and avoid the sun. And I monitor my skin for any changes – new moles, larger freckles, changes to shape or color, etc. (Which isn’t easy when I’m completely covered in them and can’t remember if that spot on my leg is new or I just forgot it was there.)

Too many people die from skin cancer, and it doesn’t have to be this way. Even if you can’t play connect the dots on every inch of your skin like I can,  it’s still important to check your skin for any changes and make sure you see a dermatologist at least once a year for a screening.

Take five minutes to check your skin and set up a dermatologist appointment if it’s been awhile. Consider this your PSA for the week.

My Goal To Be Healthier: Week 1 Results

At the beginning of the month, I declared that I needed to clean up my diet. I spent most of spring break finishing out as much of the junk food we had in the house. Those Thin Mints were soooooo good. And then on April 7, I said goodbye to my Coke Zero and chocolates (with an especially emotional parting from my Nutella), farewell to bread and snack crackers, and plunged headfirst into eating as clean as possible for the next week or two.

Clean eating, for me, means no soda, no artificial sweeteners, limited sugar, and limited processed foods. Lots of fruit and vegetables, nuts, lean meats and eggs, beans, and smaller amounts of rice and dairy. Along with water to drink, I’m also having one coffee or tea each day. It’s not exactly Paleo, but it seemed like a good idea to help me detox from the foods I’m most addicted to.

So how’s it going so far? I’ve made it a week and half now without any soda, sweets, or heavily processed foods. The most processed thing I’ve eaten so far was the tortilla strips on a McDonald’s salad.

My feelings over the past week and a half have swung back and forth. The first seven days went a little something like this:

Day 1: Hahaha, this is fun! We’re going to be healthy! We’ve got this covered!

Day 2: What the hell do I eat for breakfast? Or lunch for that matter?

Day 3: It’s 8pm, I really, really, really, really, really want something sweet to snack on. An apple, while sweet, does not sound exciting.

Day 4: I fought off the chocolate cravings yesterday! Go me! I’ll celebrate by…baking some eggs.

Day 5: If I have to eat another salad…wait, Chipotle is mostly real food, right?

Day 6: Uh-oh, we’re out of dried fruit and nut mix. Everybody panic! Costco run, stat!

Day 7: I’m barely sleeping at night, and yet I’m feeling OK during the day. That’s odd. Hey, pass the almonds, would ya?

There’s no way I can tell you that it’s been a breeze. If you don’t like to cook from scratch, it can be difficult to find enough food to eat on this plan. We’ve had dinners of grilled chicken and veggies, chicken tikka masala with rice, and grass-fed organic steak one lucky night. Hard boiled eggs (baked, actually – the Pinterest idea really works!) and nuts have been good protein for lunches. Fresh and dried fruit help curb my sweets cravings. Carrots with hummus is a great snack.


These? Are awesome.

But I am getting a little tired of the same foods mixed up and rearranged over and over. And it’s not cheap, either. We buy a lot of our food from Costco, which does help in price, but our food bill has increased over the past week. Nuts are expensive. I’m looking forward to summer when we can count on farmer’s markets for local fruits and veggies.

Overall, I have to admit that I’m feeling pretty good. It’s easier to wake up in the morning, even when I stay up late working. I’m not feeling the wild energy swings throughout the day. (I do still feel the mid-afternoon slump, which is usually when I reach for the coffee or tea.)

At first I was worried that eating calorie-dense, higher-fat foods would result in gaining weight. Instead, I’m finding my hunger isn’t as strong as it used to be. I don’t even feel like eating large meals now – I prefer to graze throughout the day.

Best of all? I’m down two pounds, and more importantly, my belly looks slimmer.

I’m really proud of myself for sticking to this so far. Yes, it’s been only a week and a half, but that can feel like a long time when it comes to food. I’d like to keep to this strict level of eating clean for at least another week, then gradually expand my diet again, still trying to keep limits on the sugar and processed junk.

Next up is to get back to working out regularly. Yesterday I laced up my new running shoes and broke them in for a 30 minute run/walk (mostly walk, really). I wasn’t excited to work out, and I felt like my heart was going to break out of my chest and run away afterward, but I did it. My dayglo shoes probably played a part to get me moving:

Asics tapped into my 80's memories

Blinded by the light!

I’m hoping this will all become habit so we can be a healthier family. Aaron is eating the same foods with me, and is far ahead of me in getting back into running. And our ultimate success of the week: Cordy and Mira will both eat grilled chicken and broccoli now.

Anyone else trying to make any healthy changes right now? Please share how it’s going for you, or what you’re planning to do!

Spring Cleaning: Time To Let In The Fresh Air!

It’s Spring Break for us, but the weather has yet to act like Spring yet. I was hoping that with the break from school being so late this year, we might have warmer weather to give the kids more time outside. The days have been sunny, but they’re still wearing their winter coats to go out.

Now that the week is nearly over, I hear our weather is supposed to warm up to real Spring temperatures. If it holds through the weekend, I might get the chance to throw open the windows to let the first fresh air of 2013 into our house.

Our house has been stuffy for the past few months. With a dog, cats, four humans and carpeting, it’s easy for the air in our house to seem stale and dusty. I’ve given up on dusting for the moment, honestly. The last time I dusted (using a product that traps dust), everything had a new, light coat of dust on it within two days.

 Exhibit A: Two of our dust creators.

Of course, I can’t ignore the dust. We’re an entire family of allergy sufferers – even the dog and one cat have allergies! It’s just exhausting to try to keep up with making our air better to breathe. Dusting and vacuuming regularly help, but getting all of the dust and allergens out of the air requires a transplant of fresh air.

I love that first day of opening the windows, too. Feeling the cool, fresh air fill the house is exhilarating. Sounds silly, I know, but after having dry, recycled air pushed around the house all Winter, I’m ready for a change of air. I’ll often dust and vacuum that day, too, hoping the fresh air will carry some of the airborne pollutants out a window with it.  This is also the time for us to clean out the furnace filter.

Opening the windows and forcing some new air in here will be a good temporary solution for us, but it only lasts so long. As soon as Summer is here, the windows are often shut to keep out the heat, and in the fall (Aaron’s worst allergy season), our goal is to keep the outside air OUT of the house to keep his ragweed allergies to a minimum.

We used to have an air purifier, and with kids and more pets now, I think it’s time to get another one. They’re not nearly as expensive and huge as they used to be, and they’re a lot more efficient than the ones of 5-10 years ago. They also aren’t as loud as my old one, which sounded like a cross between a fan on high and a jet engine. (Thank goodness.)

Best Buy is having a sale on their air purifiers, with something for everyone, from small rooms to whole-house. I’ve got my eye on this one for the downstairs. It’s small enough to not take up a lot of space, it has a washable filter, and it’s energy efficient. All I hope is that it’ll keep the air a little cleaner and let me dust a little less often.

If you’re also trying to keep the dust and allergens under control, you might want to check out this 20% off coupon they passed along for me to share with all of you. (Note: I’m using the coupon as well!)

Disclosure: The reviewer has been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free.

It’s Time For A Diet Tune-Up

Confession: I’ve gained about seven pounds this winter. Ahhhh, that feels better to admit.

Wait…no, it doesn’t.

I always gain a little weight between Halloween and the end of Winter. I enjoy the holiday eating, and I’m not as active during the cold season. I don’t mind a few pounds of gain, but seven is on the upper end of my comfort zone.

Hibernation season is over now, and it’s time to get back on track.

I’m choosing to start by restructuring my food, which is easy considering all of the junk we’ve been eating lately. Step one is getting all of the bad stuff out of the house. Since I don’t want to throw it all out, that means this week is eat all the food week.  And OH we have a lot of it.

 Please note the Nutella shown here is no longer an issue.

Once it’s all gone, we’re switching to a diet of real food. Fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans, lean meats and limited grains. It’s not quite paleo, since we can’t give up dairy and beans, but limiting our grains should be easy. Aaron is gluten-free already, so his grains are already limited. The goal is to limit processed foods to less than 20% of our diet. Baby steps, folks.

And we’re slowly detoxing from diet soda. I have a hard time giving up my diet soda, but I know it’s for the best because of all of the chemical junk in soda. At the moment we’re not buying soda to keep in the house and only drinking it when we eat out. This has left me with some massive caffeine headaches, partially because our Keurig machine has decided it’s coffee brewing days are done. I broke down and ordered another one, but it won’t be here until the end of the week.

Eating better isn’t just about losing weight. My children also have fallen into some poor eating habits. Mira used to eat apple slices and bananas almost daily, but now she holds out and begs for processed snack crackers instead. (Cordy still eats apple slices all the time. She has a limited list of fruits she’ll eat, but at least she’ll eat some.) It’s up to us to set the right example to get them back on track, too. If there’s less junk food in the house, there’s less unhealthy options for meal and snack time for all of us.

Plus? It’s all about giving myself the best chance to live a long, long time. I lost all of the weight to begin with because I didn’t want to be unhealthy around my kids. Now that I’m a few years older, it’s not just about being unhealthy around them, it’s about living long enough to see grandchildren someday. (Which I want to be a LOOOOONG way off, just to be clear!)

I’m a lot smaller now, but my insides still aren’t so healthy. I’m lousy at full-life adjustments, so it’s about baby steps and making tune-ups to my habits, and now it’s time to tune-up my diet again.

What are your best eating natural tips? I’ll be stalking all of your Pinterest boards for easy recipes this week.

Columbus: Are You Ready To HOOFit in 2013? (Giveaway!)

Not that you can tell from today’s weather (hello, SNOW!), but Spring is nearly here! While I love the snow, I’m looking forward to warmer temperatures and being able to go outside for walks and runs again.

I’ve been using my treadmill for most of this winter, and I’m ready to get out for some fresh air. I did a LOT of walking at Disney and really appreciated the change of walking for the purpose of seeing things, instead of staring at my wall as I walked in the same place.

I recently found out that OhioHealth is once again partnering with the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium for another series of HOOFit walks this year. I joined in on some of them last year, and I can tell you it’s a creative idea to get in some exercise in a fun, family-friendly way.

And meet some wild new friends.

This is how it works: come to the Columbus Zoo on any of the HOOFit walk days at the start time and join in on a guided walk through one area of the zoo with a zoo guide and an OhioHealth physician leading a discussion on a specific health topic. You can ask questions of the physician, or just enjoy the walk and the health facts and tips as you stroll among the animals.

It may sound like a strange mix, discussing animals and our health, but from my experience last year it works well. Going to the zoo with little kids is something many of us already do, right? So we might as well learn a little more about how to keep our families healthy while we’re there. It’s a multi-tasking win.

Here’s the schedule for this year’s HOOFit walks:

  • March 14 – Wellness and Prevention
  • April 25 – Stroke Prevention
  • May 23 – Cancer Prevention
  • June 20 – Sports Medicine
  • July 25 – Spine Health (Neuroscience and Orthopedics)
  • August 29 – Women’s Heart and Vascular Health
  • September 26 – Cold weather wellness

There’s a topic for nearly everyone in that list. All walks except for the March and September walks will begin at 9:30am. The March and September walks will start at 10:30am. There’s no requirement to RSVP for the walk, but it’s still helpful for them to get an attendance estimate by joining the event on their Facebook page.

HOOFit is totally free with your paid Columbus Zoo admission. It’s packed full of information and usually a decent amount of fun, too. Kids are welcome, strollers are welcome…all ages and skill levels can appreciate this event. (If you’re expecting a power walk, however, you might be disappointed.)

Want to join in on a HOOFit event? I’ve got a four pack of Columbus Zoo single-day admission tickets to give away to one reader. Obviously you need to be in the Columbus area or planning to travel here to enter. (I swear I’ll have giveaways for non-Ohio folks soon!)

To enter: just leave a comment below telling me your favorite animal to see at the zoo. Easy-peasy. Be sure to leave a way for me to contact you if you’re the winner. One entry per person.

Giveaway is open until Monday, March 11 at noon. At that point I’ll select a winner at random and email you with details on getting your tickets.

Good luck, and I hope to see some of you out at the zoo this year!

Full disclosure: I received no compensation for this giveaway, as my family has a Columbus Zoo membership. I just think it’s a fun way to get in some exercise and promote healthy living.

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