It’s Time For A Shower!

Three lovely ladies I know are just weeks away from holding new babies in their arms for the second time. So of course you know their friends had to get together for a surprise virtual shower! Forget that nonsense that a second pregnancy doesn’t get a shower – why should having a second child be any different from the first?

OK, well, it is different.

It’s been nearly a year since my second child emerged and taught me that just because two children are from the same genetic stock doesn’t mean they’ll be anything alike. Both were colicky (sorry, you don’t necessarily get an easy one if the first was difficult), but the similarities end there. Cordy would laugh at anything. Mira is dead serious. Cordy was slow learning physical skills. Mira is close to walking and already a master escape artist. As we see Mira’s personality develop, we’re amazed at just how different these two children are.

I’d like to say the second is easier, but well, it is and it isn’t.

I remember those weeks before she was born (especially that week after my due date when all I could think about was when she would arrive), and how I worried about if I was ruining a good thing by having a second baby. I was scared that Cordy would hate me forever, that she would be forever resentful of losing out on some of my attention, that I would never find enough time and love for two children, and that any chance of having a moment to myself would forever be gone.

If you read that and started to hyperventilate, take a deep breath. While I feared all of that, it didn’t turn out that way. Cordy doesn’t hate me, and while it took her a few months to get used to Mira, she now loves her. Just this afternoon, while on the way to the zoo, we heard Cordy in the backseat saying, “Give me your hand, Mira. I want to hold your hand.” They play together, and while Cordy is sometimes a little too rough with Mira, she never tries to intentionally hurt her.

And I do still have time to myself. I’ll admit that time management is even more important, and I don’t have as much free time, but I still get moments to myself. The key is to remember to ask for help. I think Aaron and I get even more date nights now that Mira is here – maybe our families think that we need more time away since we have two kids now? I’m happy to accept the help!

As for finding enough time and love for two children – this is the easiest part. You’ll feel overwhelmed at times, you’ll dislike each of your children occasionally, but you really do have enough love for two. I’m not going to lie – the race for which one I like more changes by the minute, but I can’t imagine life without either of them.

Finally, if someone tells you that going from one to two children is harder than going from none to one, don’t let that scare you. It’s different, but I wouldn’t say harder. Some days they’ll both be crying at the same time, and you will want to grab the keys, leave them in the house, and drive far, far away without looking back. But other days the older one will entertain her little sibling, giving you time to sip a cup of coffee and read a few blogs, and the baby will laugh at some silly thing your toddler did, and suddenly you’ll feel like everything in your life is perfect and the heavens are smiling down on you.

Of course, I’m not quite a year into this new game, meaning I don’t have any insight into the sibling squabbles of the future, so I’ll put it to all of you: any advice for our shower-ees for dealing with two children?

How To Be A Popular Mommyblogger

Seems like mommybloggers have been all over the news lately. We’re accused of exploiting our kids, and a few are making news because they’re enjoying some much deserved success.

But as soon as the Wall Street Journal published their article on Heather Armstrong (Dooce) and a few mommybloggers posted their updates from Camp Baby, the Disney event, and the Sony event, the black pool of jealousy began to gurgle and bubble from deep within the internets.

How can Dooce make $40K a month posting pictures of her dog and writing letters to her daughter while I get nothing? Why didn’t I get invited to one of those events? Where’s my free Swiffer and granola bars, dammit? When is someone going to ask ME to be a contributor in a book?

Whoa. Hold up.

While it is awesome that mommybloggers have gone from being ignored or ridiculed to now being courted by big companies and advertising networks, we can’t all be famous and making our fortunes one spaghetti-covered-face picture at a time. Would you walk into a corporate office just out of college and demand to be the CEO? After they finished laughing at you, they’d tell you to work your way up and come back when you’ve learned more.

While I’m in no way a mommyblogging *superstar*, I have thought about what makes a popular mommyblogger, and I’ve narrowed it down to several elements for success.

Consistent writing – This includes both quality and quantity of writing. You need to post often, and those posts need to be quality posts. Every day is not a requirement – many of the top mommybloggers post only a few times a week. But some kind of regular schedule is needed to keep you in your readers’ minds.

Similarly, if posts are fired off haphazard, without regard to spelling, logical progression of thought, or fuzzy storytelling, you’ll lose the interest of your readers. Very few can write post after post without putting any forethought into those posts. Think about your topics. Read your own writing and edit it before hitting the Publish button. If you don’t like to do revisions, at least carefully construct the post in your head before writing. Ask someone who will be honest with you to proofread your work.

Hard work – If you didn’t already notice from the two paragraphs above, you have to be willing to invest some time and work into your blog to reap the rewards. Personally, it can take me anywhere from 15 minutes to several hours to write a post. It all depends on the topic, but most of the well-received posts took far longer than 15 minutes. If your kids are with you all day, this means you may be spending nap time writing. Or sometimes writing well into the night.

(Ignoring your children all day is an option, too. But c’mon, don’t we have to deal with that stereotype enough?)

Networking – Remember the saying “To make a friend, you have to be a friend”? That applies to blogging, too. I remember one of my first comments on my blog was left by Dutch from Sweet Juniper. At the time, he was writing for Blogging Baby along with his own successful blog. Did he need to comment on a little blog that at the time had only eight posts? Of course not. Did I appreciate the comment from someone I saw as a “popular” blogger? Yes! An important part of blogging is the community fostered through comments.

I have several friends that I would never have met had it not been for one of us commenting on the other’s blog. Leave comments. Make friends. Promote the hell out of each other, because the love you give out will come back to you.

Time – While there are always the overnight success stories, most bloggers with high traffic didn’t start out that way. They built that traffic up over time, by using their networking skills and writing consistent posts. (See how it all ties together?) Time is also needed to build up a solid archive. Some readers will find you by searching for topics that lead to your older posts.

Talent – Some people are born storytellers, some are naturals at technical writing, and others are simply not good with words. You can take all of the writing classes offered by your nearest university, practice your writing dutifully every day, and yet others might still run circles around you in writing. We all have our strengths, and if someone has a talent for the written word while you struggle with each sentence, there will probably be a difference in your posts. That doesn’t mean you should give up, because talent is only one part of blogging, but you have to accept that some people are more talented than others.

Luck (or being in the right place at the right time) – I have no idea what makes PR people contact one mommyblogger who has so-so traffic over another who has more traffic or better writing. I don’t know what algorithm was used to pick the guest list for Camp Baby. I’m guessing a lot of it was luck. Sometimes you happen to comment at another blog at just the right time, or you write a post at the exact time that someone is looking for an expert on that topic for a job.

You know this isn’t limited to the blogging world, either. You could sit down next to a company CEO on a plane and end up getting a job after that chance meeting. (It happened to my aunt.) Last year, when I was asked to write for, the offer seemed to be out of the blue. I don’t know how they found me – I could have been recommended (there’s that networking again), or it could have been luck.

Looking at this list of what you need to be a successful mommyblogger, you might notice that these elements fall into two categories. The first three are things that you can control, while the last three are out of your hands. There’s no point in getting upset or worrying over the last three, because nothing you do can change them. If you want more traffic, more notice, more product review offers or whatever, focus on the first three: consistent writing, hard work, and networking.

But it’s those last three that make it all unpredictable. You may write excellent posts, comment all the time on other blogs, and still get no notice. It happens. Life is not fair. Let me repeat that: life is not fair. Getting upset at the success of others does nothing to help you, especially when all of that negative energy could be used for more productive endeavors.

The truth is, if you’re blogging to become popular/famous, you might want to reconsider your goals. After all, being a famous mommyblogger amounts to nearly nothing outside of our little electronic boxes and internet tubes. Go ask your hairstylist who Dooce is – chances are, she doesn’t know. Ask your parents, your neighbor, the mailman. They probably don’t know, either.

Sure, some moms make money from blogging, or get to go on trips, or get published in real paper and ink form. Instead of being jealous, though, we should be congratulating them on their success. Because if there is success for a few, there will be more success for others to follow. Corporations are taking notice of mommybloggers, and publishers are finding that there is an audience for books written by mommybloggers. If we continue to support and encourage our community, the success can only grow.

I’m not one of the best writers. I don’t have a lot of traffic. But I work hard at improving my writing, and have gained many new readers as a result. I don’t think I’m owed anything because I’ve been blogging for two and a half years. Any perks I get I’m grateful for – I do feel that I’ve earned some of it, but I also credit a lot of it to luck. I write because I enjoy it, and really, shouldn’t that be the primary reason we do all this, anyway?

Mother’s Day Gifts For Mom Bloggers

With Mother’s Day right around the corner, gift guides have popped up everywhere. While some have great ideas (I like this guide in particular), others are lacking. There are guides for “super moms” and “stylish moms” and “gourmet moms” and nearly every other adjective mom you can think up.

But what about mom bloggers? What could you buy the average mommyblogger to make her rub her computer-weary eyes and smile? Here’s a few ideas that I haven’t seen covered on the other Mother’s Day guides out there.

Her own domain & hosting – Nothing says “I respect your blogging” like buying her a shiny new domain of her own and covering the hosting costs.

Blog redesign – Maybe she already has her own domain, or maybe she’s perfectly happy with a blogspot or typepad home. A new blog header and template could be just as nice as a new pair of shoes. Personally, I’m not the type to care that much about my own appearance, but would love the chance to try a new outfit on my blog. There are so many great designers out there who can make sure her blog gets the special treatment it deserves.

Flip video camera – She may already have a camcorder, but do you know how difficult it is to get that video onto a computer? It requires a connection cable, which many manufacturers fail to include, and then once you have the video on the computer you have to convert it so it’s small enough to embed on a blog or upload to YouTube. The Flip video camera takes out all of that hassle. Record your video, plug it into your computer, edit and upload.

Blogging t-shirt – Maybe people around her don’t understand what a blog is. A t-shirt like this can give her weekly playgroup all of the explanation they need.

New laptop bag – Is her computer her additional child? Does she take it everywhere? If she’s trying to shove her computer into her diaper bag, it’s time for a snazzy laptop bag. For something unique that fits her personality, try a search on Etsy to see lots of handmade laptop bags.

Spa gift certificate – OK, I’m cheating – this one is on a lot of lists, but c’mon, what mom doesn’t need a little pampering? After sitting in front of a computer for a long time, a massage or manicure is a welcome treat.

Those are the ones I can think of at the moment. What am I forgetting? What do YOU want for Mother’s Day?

Full Disclosure: No one paid me or gave me anything to mention any of these products. But if Flip wanted to send me a camera, I wouldn’t say no.

Who Do You Trust?

As many of you know, I spent part of last week at an event for mommy bloggers in New Jersey. (I will be talking about it later this week on Mommy’s Must Haves. Still pulling the post together, and also tweaking the blog.) It was a lot of fun, and I really enjoyed getting to meet some new-to-me bloggers and have some great conversations.

There was a point in one discussion where the issue of trust was mentioned, and several women mentioned that they trust the opinions of other moms more than they trust large corporations. But then one blogger (this one) suddenly said in the middle of the conversation, “Well, I don’t trust the opinions of other moms!” I’m glad I was sitting behind her so she didn’t see my eyes nearly bug out of my head in surprise. Or hers. Or hers. (Although she may have seen hers as she slowly moved her chair away.)

Maybe I just have an abnormally educated and talented bunch of mom friends, but if I needed advice on something about parenting, products for my children, myself, or my home, you can bet I’m turning to another mom to get their opinion. (Not all have to be moms, either, depending on what you’re asking about. I’m looking at you, Auntie Suebob.) Chances are, they have advice that I will find helpful, even if I don’t follow their guidance.

Here’s a quick example. Yesterday, I discovered the annual ant convention had once again arrived in my living room. They come every year in the spring, and they’re a pain in the ass to get rid of. In frustration, I twittered that I couldn’t take it anymore and wanted to find a good exterminator. I know exterminators are bad (and expensive), but nothing else was working. Within an hour I had a plethora of other options to try, including boric acid, soap, cloves, cinnamon and coffee grounds. (Thanks to all of you, the ants are now on the retreat.)

Now, had I called an exterminator, asking for his advice on my ant problem, I’m sure he would have told me that I needed his services and that only he could properly get rid of my ants. And if I asked about the chemicals he uses, he would tell me they are all EPA approved, leaving out that there are still questions about if the exposure is really safe for pets and babies. I wouldn’t expect anything else – he has a business to run and a service to sell, so of course he’s going to promote his “product”. I can’t blame him.

Trusting other moms over corporations is only logical to me. Most of these moms have experience with many everyday products, and they know which work best and which cause their kids to break out in hives. If the diaper rash cream I have doesn’t seem to clear up my daughter’s red bottom, I will ask other moms which one they use and if they like it. Oh sure, there are a few that I question – like the Mary Kay rep who only suggests Mary Kay products – but most moms have nothing to sell and no reason to give you anything but their honest opinion. I’ll also pass along my thoughts on each diaper cream to other moms who ask for my advice.

We all know moms are the ultimate consumers – we are the ones who control most of the spending for our families, and we choose the products our families use. For 90% of the products out there, corporations have to get past us to get into our homes. So they mount extensive advertising campaigns to lure us to buy their product over the competition’s product. Again, it makes sense: they want to make money, so they have to convince us they have the best product.

For much of the 20th century, it was a good business plan, because the 20th century saw the separation of the extended family and the village into the isolated nuclear family we see today. That small nuclear family now moves around the country more, too, further separating themselves from their own extended families. And with moving around, we now don’t know our own neighbors – they’re not people we’ve grown up with and we’re less likely to trust them.

So instead of the village, where everyone knows everyone and you have a support network available to provide trusted advice, moms found themselves alone, figuring out this new mommy world on their own and unsure of where to go for advice. Advertisers took full advantage of this, with brand promotions such as “the name you can trust” and “what your baby would ask for.” Women bought into the brand more than the actual product.

But there was still a need to connect. Mommy groups grew in popularity, as did the concept of playdates. We needed to connect and find other moms, and in doing so we shared our experiences with each other, including product experience. A playdate at the park is more than letting the kids run off some steam together. It’s also a chance for moms to unload on each other, sharing knowledge and experience along with our frustrations and joy.

Now we have mommy blogs and parenting communities on the internet, allowing us to self-select our “village” from moms around the world. Ask many mom bloggers, and they’ll tell you they started blogging to find a community, seek out advice, or share their advice with others. We want to help each other deal with the onslaught from the media and from advertisers, who tell us we’re bad parents if we don’t breastfeed, or if we let our child cry it out, or if we don’t let them cry it out. It’s a conflicting crush of information being thrust at us, and having that resource of other moms who tell you, “I’ve been there, too, and here’s what worked for me…” can be reassuring.

So if you ask me who I trust, I’ll tell you I trust moms. When Cordy was born, I used products that the hospital gave me, thinking they had my best interests at heart. I now know corporations lobby and pay big bucks to have their products be the ones new moms go home with. Nearly every product I’ve bought for my children since then has been based on recommendations from other mothers and my own research. And rarely have I been lead to a bad product based on those recommendations.

I trust moms.

Haiku Friday: Blogger Baby Boom

was only the start of a
blogging baby boom

Lots of new preggos
Is it catching? Then pass me
my birth control, please.

Apparently 2008 is the year of the baby here in the blog world. Is it a virus, spreading blog to blog? Is it contagious? With each new pregnancy announcement, I start to sweat a little, wondering if a second form of birth control should be added to the regimen. Can’t be too careful, right? I mean, my two girls are adorable, but the thought of a third one right now makes me nauseous.

So to all of you pregnant bloggers out there – I love you, I’m excited for you, and I will keep reading (and I want you to come visit me, too), but keep your maternity cooties to yourself, OK?

To play along for Haiku Friday, follow these steps:

1. Write your own haiku on your blog. You can do one or many, all following a theme or just random. What’s a haiku, you ask? Click here.

2. Sign the Mister Linky below or at Jennifer’s blog with your name and the link to your haiku post (the specific post URL, not your generic blog URL). If you need help with this, contact Jennifer or myself.

3. Pick up a Haiku Friday button to display on the post or in your sidebar by clicking the button above.

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