100 Things You REALLY Want To Know About Me

The other day I was reading through another blogger’s “100 Things About Me” post, and I have to admit I found it kind of…limited. (No, it wasn’t yours – I liked yours. Or yours – yours made me laugh. It was someone who probably doesn’t even know I exist.)

There were some interesting tidbits in there, but some of the things I wanted to know the most were missing. I mean, your first pet’s name is fine, but what if I wanted to know the most inspiring place you’ve ever visited?

I considered doing one of those 100 Things lists for myself, but when I started to write it, I found myself constantly deleting things. Oh, no one cares that I used to eat the freeze-n-eat popsicles by the 100-count box every week as a kid. Or that I had a really bad perm in 7th grade.

So instead, I’m going to leave it up to all of you. This is your chance to play interviewer and ask me anything you’ve wanted to know about me or my family. Leave a comment with your questions and I’ll reply to all of them. No question is too off the wall. (I’m really asking for it, aren’t I?)

I’d say that I’m going to limit it to 100 questions, but that would assume I’d get more than 100 questions. Or 10 for that matter.

So, uh, don’t leave me high and dry, OK?

Ask a question?

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  1. I’ll start!

    Maybe this is in your archives, but how did you meet your husband?

  2. I’ve got some:

    What do you do when you’re angry at one of your kids?

    If you were going to combine chocolate with one other food or flavor, and only ONE, what would it be?

    Do you ever get comments on your blog that really piss you off even though they’re completely benign?

    Cotton underwear? Lace? Spandex?

  3. Most embarrassing thing you ever did after a little too much sauce…

  4. What made you want to become a nurse?

  5. oh, MEME! Who usually initiates sex in your marriage? And if it’s not you, how do you deal with that?

    heh, I go straight for the throat don’t I?

  6. Wow Flinger…ROFL! (She SO my partner in crime (and at Swank) some days!)

    Ummmm… What do you do for YOU? You’re such a busy mom, I wonder what you do for yourself. 🙂

  7. If money were no object, would you have any more children?

    What would you do with a week, hell, a MONTH with no kids or family to take care of? Just time, time, time ahead of you…

  8. Where were you when you lost your virginity?

    What is the most embarrassing concert you have ever been to?

  9. Is there a song that brings your mind back to your first true love? What song is it?

  10. This is so much fun.
    so, did you really have a perm in seventh grade? and, if there is one trait of yours that you hope your girls DON’T inherit, what is it?

  11. Momma to LG says

    Oh this is good! Let’s see…
    1. Did you graduate from college before going back now?

    2. If you could take a trip anywhere, where would you go?

  12. Speaking of high school… were you in a certain clique? (preppies, head-bangers, punks, geeks, etc.) Love or hate high school?

  13. What is your favorite post you’ve EVER written? And favorite one you’ve ever read on someone else’s bog?

  14. motherbumper says

    Who was your favorite band/musician going into Junior High and who was your favorite leaving High School? Tells a lot about the formative years.

  15. OK, So I know that you are a Buffy fan. What is your favourite season, and why? What is your favourite episode and why? If you were able to sneak off for an illicit love affair with one of the cast who would it be?

    On a more personal note, has sex gotten better since you have had kids, or worse?

  16. Are you risk averse or an adrenaline junkie? What’s the riskiest thing you’ve ever done in your life?

  17. I’m about to get married and so:

    1) What was your favourite part about your wedding?

    2) If you had it to do over again, what would you avoid doing at your wedding or what would you change about your wedding?

    This is fun!!

  18. Oh Christina, have you opened a can of worms!!

    If I had one question, I’d ask what was the biggest dream you’ve had, that has not come true for you.

  19. How old were you when you got your first boy kiss?

    What was his name and how old was he.

  20. Do you brush your teeth in the shower or at the sink?

    Do you prefer baths or showers?

    For what ever reason, what’s the longest amount of days you have gone WITHOUT bathing?

  21. had to read all questions before I could ask mine –

    If you could change your life to be anyone doing anything anywhere with kids or without – would you?!

  22. Jerseygirl89 says

    Hmmm, you’ve gotten some good questions. I don’t think I can top them, but here are mine:

    What is your all-time favorite smell?

    Can you remember a favorite outfit from junior high? If so, what was it?