Just Call Me (Hopefully) Nurse Mommy

It seems that, amid all the stress we’ve been going through lately (which is another post entirely, and will be coming, I promise), there is still good to be found. Not only am I now in the ranks of paid bloggers, but I also just found out that this fall I will be starting nursing school.

This has been in the works for over a year, and some of you may remember when I first started out on this journey. I’ve slowly been taking classes here and there, working on the prerequisites needed to even apply for the program. I finished those prerequisites this past fall, just in time to meet the deadline for applications to the online nursing program.

My local college offers an online program for those who already have a bachelor’s degree in something else, and are seeking a career change. All of the lecture is done online, and then labs and clinicals are scheduled for one day a week. The beauty of this is that it means I can still go to school without having to juggle crazy babysitting schedules, and without quitting my current job. I can find time in my schedule to commit to one day a week.

Getting into the program wasn’t a sure thing. They only offer admission to the program once a year, and there are roughly 50 spots available, when generally about 150-200 people apply. The three biggest factors for snagging a spot are your grades from your prerequisite classes, your grades from your first degree, and your scores on the Nurse Entrance Test. After that, there is also an essay that is considered as well. Luckily, I graduated with honors for my first degree, received nearly all A’s for my prerequisites (that damn Organic Chemistry class ended in a B), and scored high on the NET. Yet even with that, I still worried I might not get in.

The acceptance letter was such a welcome sight to see. Yes, I love writing and blogging, and will likely never give those up, but at the moment I can’t make a full living from them. And while my job as a student advisor is a personally rewarding job, it’s not that rewarding financially. I enjoy helping people, I enjoy making a difference, and nursing will give me the ability to do those things, all the while probably making more money part-time than any full-time job I’ve ever had paid.

Don’t get me wrong – I’m not going into it just for the money. My mom is a medical technologist, and I grew up hanging out at the local hospital, so I know how hard nurses work. After having Cordy, I also came to admire the work of the nurses on the OB floors. But the money is a factor I must consider when it comes to providing for our family. Aaron wants to go back to school, also, and once I get through nursing school, he will have that opportunity.

We’ve already been discussing the possibility of me quitting my job in the fall, too. Writing three blogs (and looking for more to write), going to school part-time, raising two children, and working part-time outside the home may just be too much for me. The biggest time drain, with the least amount of myself invested, for all of those would be my job. If Aaron gets a raise (which he’s already due for, if they would ever complete his review), if we pay down our debt, and if I continue to find writing work, it is possible that I could quit. It’s certainly a goal worth aiming for.

So, what does all of this mean to you? Depending on how things go, it could mean a few things. First, I won’t be giving up blogging, as this is my one true outlet to turn to when I need to relax. It could mean that I’ll have a whole bunch of new school stories to share in the future (only the funny ones, of course). If the stories are boring, it could mean nothing – the status quo as I continue to do what I’m doing now. Or it could mean you’ll get an interesting glimpse of someone breaking down from too much stress, as all of the hats I’m juggling turn to stone and crash down on me. Let’s hope for one of the first two, shall we?

Bottled Up No Longer!

Did you ever have something you really wanted to tell all your friends, but you were sworn to secrecy even though you’re horrible at keeping secrets? That is exactly what I have been going through the past three months. But I can finally let the cat out of the bag, spill the beans, and unzip my lips as of today!

I’ve been cheating on this blog with another blog. The other blog is fancier with a big corporate backing to it, with a lot of flash and pizazz, so it’s easy to see how I was lured in. It all started with an e-mail out of the blue, asking me to submit writing samples to join the team. Soon I was signing non-disclosure forms and submitting all sorts of paperwork to a fax number in California, wondering if this was legit or if I was falling prey to some very elaborate Nigerian blog scam. Thankfully, it was legit.

And finally, later this week, you’ll be able to see the end results when the new website goes live on March 15. I’m one of the bloggers with the new Family.com. You know, that little website owned and run by The Mouse. I now work for The Mouse, and it is pretty friggin’ cool. You can see a preview of what the site will be like in this news article.

The site is very different for Disney. They generally have a lot of control over everything they publish, and with Family.com, they’re giving a lot more control to the community. Community members will have an active role in shaping the site: bloggers are writing their own takes on a variety of subjects, and the average visitor will be able to comment and rank articles and submit their own articles for the site as well. Right now, only the contributors have access to the site, but it’s already starting to feel comfy and cozy there.

It’s probably no surprise that I’m blogging in the Parenting section of the site. My new blog is called Cirque du Mommy. And before you get the chance to see the site, I’d just like to add: no, I didn’t pick my silly username, and please have some forgiveness on the picture. I’m pretty sure somewhere in my contract is the promise that I get to submit a new headshot once I’m no longer pregnant and puffy. But other than those two things, the site looks really spiffy.

And have no fears that I will be abandoning this little blog. My Disney blog is just one more piece of myself, and there is plenty of room in my heart for multiple blogs. Besides, since it is a family site, no swearing is allowed, and there are some topics I probably shouldn’t discuss over at the other site. I doubt my editors would enjoy reading about my killer hemorrhoid or my 90’s bangs. OK, they might enjoy reading those, but it’s probably not the content they’re really looking for.

So go check it out on March 15, when the beta site goes live to the public, and let me know what you think. Maybe even leave me a comment on my new blog, or check out some of the other bloggers there as well. Many of them are seasoned bloggers, and some you may have seen around the mommy/daddy blog circuit.

Ninja Toddler

Remember how Cordy climbed out of her pack n play at her babysitter’s on Tuesday? Well, her stealth ninja tactics continue.

Last night I put her in her crib for bed. I remember this clearly. She settled down quickly and went to sleep. We didn’t hear a sound from her until this morning, when we heard her normal routine of chatting to her stuffed animals.

Aaron opened the door to her room to get her out of her crib, but instead Cordy met him at the door, saying, “Hi, daddy!” I was in our bedroom at the time, but I could hear the surprise in his voice as he said “Uh… hi Cordy!”

There was no thump. There were no cries. She somehow climbed out of her crib without making a sound. By the time she’s 16, she’ll be a pro at sneaking out of the house at night. We always expected her to be a pirate, but apparently she’s heading down the ninja track instead.

So the crib will likely be coming down in the next week, and we’ll be forcing her to sleep in her toddler bed. If she can climb out of the crib, she doesn’t need it. I only hope she won’t learn to open doors anytime soon, although I’m sure it’s coming.


In other news, I saw that Mayberry Mom has been into the Girl Scout cookies. I love this time of year – why can’t they sell these cookies year round?

I’ve tracked down a few boxes of Thin Mints around here, which I have been hoarding and eating away from Cordy. (Sorry kid, mommy doesn’t share her Thin Mints.) But what I really want are the Lemonades. I’ve asked three different troops here in Columbus, and all three told me they didn’t get any Lemonades, because they’re discontinued. Clearly they’re not, though, since you can clearly see an empty box on Mayberry Mom’s table.

Does anyone else have access to Lemonades? Surely someone knows a Girl Scout or is a troop leader out there? Help a pregnant woman satisfy this insane craving and tell me how I can get some of these cookies!


Finally, check out my review on CleanWell hand sanitizers over at my reviews blog. If you want something that is non-toxic and won’t leak all over your purse like those goopy alcohol-based hand gels, this all natural option might be a good choice for you. Bonus: your kids will love it because it’ll make them think of pizza.

Look Out, We Have A Climber

While at work yesterday, I received a call from my friend, L, who watches Cordy on Tuesdays. “We have a bit of a situation,” she told me.

My mind immediately jumped to all of the bad things that could have happened. Did she hit her head? Did she hit or bite L’s son? Is everyone OK?

“We all went down for our naps, and I put her in the pack n play like normal. I was in B’s room with him, and felt like I was being watched. I turned around to look, and Cordy was standing in the doorway. I don’t know how she did it, but she climbed out of the pack n play! I didn’t hear a thing!”

It’s official: we have a climber. What’s worse, she’s not just a climber, she’s a stealthy climber.

Cordy was never interested in climbing before this. She’s always been unsteady on her short legs, and frightened of heights, so climbing was never a priority. But over the past month or so, we’ve noticed a new trend in attempting to scale furniture. Last week, she managed to pull herself up onto our tall bed for the first time.

So at 3am, when I was startled awake by frantic screaming, I jumped out of bed and rushed to her room, convinced she had tried to climb out of her crib and had an accident. After all, if she can get over the pack n play hurdle, the crib should be no problem at all for her. Thankfully, she was still in the crib, but her foot was once again jammed between slats and wedged against the wall. “I’m stuck, I’m stuck!” she cried.

I freed her foot, which was greeted with a loud, “You did it!” from Cordy. (Who says parents don’t need praise and affirmation, too?) But then she practically threw herself over the crib rail into my arms, clearly not ready to go back to bed. Remember: it’s 3am, I’m pregnant and groggy, and just had 35 pounds of off-center weight added to me. This can’t go well.

Stepping away from her crib, I lost my balance. I tried to make it the two steps over to the glider, but put my right foot through her bead puzzle (seen here when she was younger), which caused me to pitch forward even more from pain and no solid footing. At that point, it was impossible not to fall, so I focused on trying not to land on my belly or drop Cordy. We landed on the glider footstool, with Cordy’s head only barely tapping the dresser behind the footstool. My upper torso took most of the fall, although I also have a deep scrape down my right leg from the bead puzzle.

Still trying to keep a hold on Cordy, I pulled my leg free from the bead puzzle. While I expected Cordy to be upset by the fall, she wasn’t – she just didn’t want back in her crib. We went downstairs for a few moments, where she tried to talk me into turning on the TV. I gave my most convincing lie: “I’m sorry, sweetie, it’s still night-time, and the TV doesn’t work at night.” We’ll see how much longer I can keep up that lie. I’m hoping at least until she’s 10.

She eventually calmed down from all the excitement, and we went back upstairs. She cried when I put her in her crib and left the room, which meant I couldn’t go back to sleep until I was certain she wasn’t going to try throwing herself over the crib rail again. Finally, a little after 4am, she calmed down, had a lively discussion with her stuffed animals, and then all was quiet. I laid awake in bed a little longer, waiting to feel a few kicks from the baby to make sure the fall didn’t hurt her. I was asleep by 4:30.

Now that we’re facing a climbing toddler, it’s time to push harder for her to sleep in her toddler bed. She fell asleep in her bed for her nap on Sunday, but she’s been unwilling to try at night-time. I tried it last night, but she was too scared to stay in the bed. I don’t want to spend every night worrying that she will break a bone or give herself a concussion falling out of her crib.

Party Like A Two Year Old

The party for Cordy was a big success today. She was a little overwhelmed by all of the people here, but not so much that she didn’t have fun.

We also chose today to let everyone else know about the new pregnancy. All of our friends already knew, but some of our family members didn’t know yet.

As expected, Cordy got upset when we sang Happy Birthday to her. Let me explain: she hates it when people sing around her. She loves music, she loves to listen to professionals sing, but we amateurs are apparently harsh on her delicate ear drums. As a friend told Aaron today, “It would seem the actor has fathered a critic.” Indeed.

Some highlights:

– One of Cordy’s favorite new toys: a wooden puzzle of her name.

– Most dramatic reaction of the day:
Me: So yeah, our other big news today – I’m pregnant!
My father: (in all seriousness, without missing a beat) Oh, no!
Me: Uh, it was planned. We’re happy about it.
My father: Uh, I mean, that’s great.

– The really awesome Wiggles cake:

– The cake on Cordy:

– Worst gift of the day: it should come as no surprise to those who are long-time readers of my blog that the worst gift was given by Aunt Dot. Today’s gift hall of shame inductee is the purple bunny.

When we unwrapped it, I thought it was a cute bunny. Then Aunt Dot specifically asked me to squeeze it. When I did, it made some munching noises, and then it said, “Happy Easter!” I just sat there, stunned. It actually said Happy Easter. Suddenly I felt like I was in the land of misfit toys, and I needed to swap this bunny for the snowman who says “Hap-py birthday!”

There were lots of other cool gifts, though, and it was really nice to see so many friends and family. Cordy was so tired after the party that she took a three hour nap. Maybe she’ll sleep in tomorrow, too.

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