When Is The Right Time?

I don’t know if you’ve seen the new TV series Parenthood, but if not I highly recommend checking it out. I was originally interested in it simply because I was curious how they would portray, well, parenthood. It’s true, marketers have me pegged – put the word parent or mommy or mom in a title, and you can guarantee I’ll check it out.

The show is funny. Very funny. And sometimes painfully funny – in that way where you laugh but inside you cringe a little because you’ve been in that exact same situation and remember how humiliating it was. But the show also takes itself seriously in portraying the lives of an extended family, all very different people in very different situations. These people could be us, and in watching the show you quickly find yourself drawn to identifying with one person who is most like you, yet recognize so many of the struggles faced by the other characters, too.

In watching the show, the one thing I never realized was that Parenthood would also be tackling the subject of autism. In early episodes, one couple discovers that their son is on the spectrum, and their world is turned upside down in so many ways. When I quickly realized where they were going with that plot topic in the first episode, I wasn’t sure how I felt about it. Would they make the topic of autism light and fluffy? Would they make it worse than it really is? Would the boy be little more than a caracature of a child with autism, or would they really make it realistic?

Truth is, they have so far done a brilliant job of walking the line to bring awareness to the condition. I’ve cried several big, fat tears while watching this show because these parents could be us. Hell, their names are Adam and Kristina – how much closer to Aaron and Christina could you get? I watched them struggle with even accepting there might be something wrong with their son, and remembered my own struggles with the same topic. They frantically searched for a “cure” just like I did. They’ve tried to protect Max from those who don’t understand him, the same way we’ve tried to protect Cordy.

Of course it’s a TV show, and there will never be enough time in each episode to present a full, clear picture of autism, but I’ve been impressed with how real it is thus far.

This week’s episode really affected me, though. In it, the family teams up for the Walk for Autism, with Max as family cheerleader, determined to win the trophy. At one point, he shouts, “Let’s help those kids with autism!” and everyone in the room is suddenly aware that Max doesn’t know yet that “those kids with autism” includes him.

I don’t think we’ve ever told Cordy that she has autism. Granted, she’s much younger than the character of Max (who is nine, I think), but it’s never been something we’ve talked about. She’s attended special-needs preschool for three years now where she’s had weekly speech and motor skills therapy. For three quarters of a year she’s participated in a research study for kids with autism, requiring several cognitive and developmental skills tests. She’s taken pills purely at our request, never really knowing why we asked her to take them other than “they help you stay healthy,” just like her vitamins.

But despite saying nothing to her directly about it, there have been clues. She knows she won’t ever wait at a bus stop for her bus like other kids. She’s aware that some kids in her class can’t talk and have meltdowns that sometimes require them to be restrained. For herself, she knows she has “the flappers” who live in her arms and sometimes make her flap. She knows she has irrational sensory fears. And there are times I’m sure I can see right into her mind through her eyes, watching as she fights internal battles with herself over her confusion on social cues and her reactions to the world around her.

The TV show psychologist told Adam and Kristina that they will know when the right time is to tell Max about his autism. I hope the same is true for our family. She’s probably too young to even understand it at this point, and I don’t want to further burden her with the knowledge that she is most definitely not like other kids. She already has moments where she seems so distant and sad, as if she’s pondering how to solve world hunger, wars, and the environment all at once. Why add more weight to such small shoulders?

I don’t want Cordy to feel different, but at the same time I want her to know it’s OK to be different. I sometimes feel like a hypocrite – I’ll stand proud and defend her differences, reminding anyone who would shun her that autism isn’t a choice, but I also want her to improve and hope she’ll be able to fit in better with her peers. It is possible to defend her diffences and yet want her to change in the same breath?

No one said parenting would be easy. It’s no surprise why I watch any show with the word parent in it and participate in the parent blogging community – it’s impossible to do this without looking to others for support and a little validation that I’m not the only one who feels like I’m parenting blindfolded without a net sometimes.

Lady Gaga for Kids?

I think I’m ready to submit my application to the Bad Moms Club.

I can only take so much kid music while driving before I have to switch my iPod to something that isn’t aimed at the preschool set. Which means Cordy is occasionally forced to listen to songs I like in the car. However, she’s never really shown any signs that she’s paying attention to my music. Or at least I thought she wasn’t listening – there’s one song in particular that she’s obsessed with now. A song that she probably shouldn’t like so much.

As if that wasn’t bad enough, she’s indoctrinated her sister, and Mira begs to hear the “Rah-ah-ah” song anytime we get into the car:

Yep, they both love Lady Gaga. And not just that song. Paparazzi, Poker Face, Just Dance – all songs they love to hear. It seems we skipped the Miley Cyrus, slightly-inappropriate-for-preschoolers craze and went straight for the totally inappropriate. They only get to hear it in the car, and neither of them have watched the video, although Cordy has seen photos of Lady Gaga.

The good news is that Mira totally doesn’t understand the lyrics, and Cordy tends to make up her own words to the tune rather than sing what she’s hearing. (Other than constantly singing the “Rah-rah, rah-ah-ah” part, which she does all the time.) I actually think she isn’t listening to the words, but instead likes the beat of the music and the repetition of the rah-ah-ah part.

(There is one pop song she’s learning the words to, but it’s far more G-rated and a song that I’d consider safe for all ages. Also, a great song.)

I guess I can’t be too hard on myself. I remember being a little kid and singing along to Madonna’s Like a Virgin. I didn’t even know what it meant at the time, but hey, it was a catchy song and she was pretty and dressed so cool with 100 jelly bracelets on her arms. And I turned out OK, right? Right?

Note to Lady Gaga – please make a children’s album that’s just as good as your current one. My five year old thinks you’re awesome. And pretty. And she loves how you dress.

They Tried To Make Me Go To TV Rehab…

…and I said, “No, now pass the remote!”

Here’s how my Monday evening played out:

8:00 pm – Make sure Heroes and House are recording on the Tivo, then Aaron and I rush upstairs to the other TV to turn on How I Met Your Mother.

8:30 pm – Run back downstairs and boot up Aaron’s computer to watch the True Blood finale that we haven’t had a chance to watch until now.

9:30 pm – Back to the upstairs TV again. House and Heroes are two hour premieres tonight, so the Tivo is still tied up downstairs. Watch Big Bang Theory premiere.

10:00 pm – Return to the downstairs again to watch the season opener of Castle.

11:00 pm – Aaron and I have a brief discussion over whether to watch House or Heroes tonight. House wins this time. Fire up the Tivo and watch House. Heroes will have to wait until tomorrow night.

The sad part is, that’s only Monday. You don’t want to know what my Tivo’s schedule looks like for the rest of the week. Let’s just say it’s a good thing we have a dual-tuner. And weekends to catch up.

Reply Hazy, Shuffle Again

Am I the only person who uses her iPod as a Magic 8 Ball far too often?

Think about it: thousands of songs with meaningful titles loaded onto that little device. And a great shuffle feature.

How often have you pressed shuffle and had a song come on that you really, really needed to hear? Or one that so perfectly fit your mood, it’s like it was hand selected for you? Same principle, just applied a little more directly.

More than once I’ve had it with me while on my way to some important function, or been driving while anxious about some topic or another. Think about a question, hit the Shuffle button, and all is revealed:

Will Aaron get over this fight?

Shuffle – Won’t Go Home Without You (Maroon 5)


Will these kids stop fighting with each other today, or should I abandon them in a cornfield? (Hush, you know I’d never do something like that!)

Shuffle – Keep Holding On (Avril Lavigne)

They should be happy it didn’t play Thnks Fr Th Mmrs (Fall Out Boy).

How should I spend the evening?

Shuffle – Drink the Night Away (Gaelic Storm)

I knew I loved you, iPod!

Will I get this job?

Shuffle – Pray (Once On This Island, musical)

Hmmm…is that good or bad?

Please, please, please let me pass this exam!

Shuffle – Boulevard of Broken Dreams (Green Day)

Oh shit.

It doesn’t always work out so smoothly. Today I asked if the car would keep running, and it replied with Legal Assassin from the movie Repo! The Genetic Opera. Um…is someone going to assassinate my car? WTF does that mean?

These are the times when interpretation must come into play. No simple “Reply hazy, try again” answers here. That means I often skip to the next song until I get something that matches up with the question at hand a little better. In the question of my car, I got to Daughtry’s Breakdown, then decided that I probably shouldn’t have asked to begin with.

OK, maybe I am a little crazy to look to my iPod for advice. Like a Magic 8 Ball, it’s all random chance, even if my old Magic 8 Ball did have a scary-high percentage of accuracy.

iPod, will my readers flee after reading this?

Shuffle – The Tiki, Tiki, Tiki Room – WHA? Hmmm, try again?

Shuffle again – Sympathy-Tenderness (Jekyll & Hyde the musical)

Oh, I hope you’re right…

Things You Hear At A Star Trek Screening

When anyone can pick up a pass to a free premiere, you get to overhear some odd conversations. Especially from younger girls who have a limited knowledge of Star Trek based only on The Next Generation:

“This is the early history of the bald guy, right?”
“Bald guy?”
“Yeah, the bald guy on Star Trek. That’s the only one I know.”
*laughing* “The bald guy Star Trek? No, it’s about the old one!”

“Are you sure? I thought this was about the bald guy Star Trek. You know, the one where they’re on Earth in the desert fighting some guy…”
“The movie or the TV show?”
“I don’t know! But it’s when he becomes human and they’re celebrating Christmas.”
“What are you talking about? He IS human!”
“No, on Earth he becomes human again! Like he becomes more human or something.”
“Are you talking about Data?”
“Which one is he?”
“He’s the computer who does become human in one of the movies.”
“Look, all I know is the guy in the wheelchair in X-Men is the bald guy in the Star Trek I know! And he’s the one fighting the guy in the desert.”

“What about the guy with the weird forehead?”
“Weird forehead? What kind of weird forehead?”
“Like, a huge forehead.”
“Yes, it’s a Worf.”
“No, that’s his name. He’s a Klingon.”
“Oh. Well, is he in this?”
“He’s not in this movie.”

“So do any of the guys in this grow up to be the bald guy?”
“No, the main guy becomes Captain Kirk from the old Star Trek.”
“Which one is he?”
“He was the first one.”
“Do I know what he looks like? Which actor is he?”
“You know,” *singing* “Price-line Ne-go-ti-a-tor!”
“OH! OK!”

“Wait, have I seen the guy who plays Spock?”
“Yeah, he’s on Heroes.”
“Which one?”
“He cuts people’s heads open.”
“Spock cuts people’s heads open?!?”
“No! The guy on Heroes does that! But it’s the same actor.”

And those were just the ones I remembered. If only we had been allowed to bring electronics into the theatre. This pre-show should have been recorded. And the Star Trek geek that I am, I nearly bit through my tongue to keep quiet and let these conversations flourish in their natural habitat.

(Also, the movie? Excellent. Mighty excellent.)

PS – Looking for last minute Mother’s Day gifts? I’m featuring two that support the March of Dimes – help others while getting a great gift!

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