Dish Suds, Domestic Disasters, and P&G Deals For You

As has been established, I’m useless when it comes to basic domestic activities. We all have our talents – mine are recalling large amounts of information, figuring out technical subjects, math, directions, and sticking my foot my my mouth (figuratively, not literally on that last one, although that would be a talent). Cooking, cleaning, organizing? Not my best subjects.

So the first time I ever washed dishes, you can guess it was a disaster. I had watched in commercials as Dawn dish soap was squirted on dishes and the oily grime just ran away in fear, or at least that’s how it looked to my eight year old self. I figured I could help my mom out by doing the same. I grabbed our bottle of Dawn and went to work in the kitchen sink.

I squirted a little on the glass casserole dish, the plates, the cups…and nothing happened. So I squirted a little more. Or maybe a lot more. Then I remembered that I’d need a lot of water, too. I’d watched my mom add Dawn to the water, so I continued squirting Dawn into the sink as I plugged the drain and turned on the hot water.

As you probably know, a little Dawn goes a long way. And a lot goes, well, an even LONGER way. I wasn’t paying attention to the sink filling as I reached under the counter to get the dish drainer and set it on the counter, so I missed that all of that dish soap was quickly creating a mountain of suds that would quickly erupt into an avalanche.

When I saw the suds had claimed the sink and were now creeping onto the countertop and over the side, I quickly turned off the water. I had a mix of horror and delight at the sight in front of me. I didn’t plan on creating a suds monster and would have to somehow clean it all up, but also WOW look at all the fun suds!

It was still disappointing to me that the food didn’t magically disappear from the dishes, but it did come off fairly quickly with a little work. Too bad I didn’t understand rinsing, as I set the dishes in the drying rack, still with some suds on them. Or that suds on the floor still needed to be cleaned up – I assumed that since it was soap, it was doing the floor a favor and no further assistance was needed.

My mom (who amazingly kept her composure) appreciated the gesture when she saw it, but then asked me to not help with the dishes again as she re-washed all of the dishes and cleaned the dish soap from the counter and floor.

So I’m better at it now and can wash a sink of dishes successfully. Aaron generally handles the dishes now, but when I do it I try to make it as pleasant as possible. I still like Dawn dish soap, although we’ve moved beyond the old blue formula to their new Dawn Ultra Hand Renewal – Olay Beauty Pomegranate Splash Scent. It smells great, and the formula actually moisturizes my hands.

Love the Pomegranate scent!

My eight year old self might not have minded the dry, tight feeling from having my hands in hot water for a long period, but at 36 I’m doing my best to keep my hands from getting ahead of me in the age game. This Dawn helps my hands feel soft and smooth while still getting our dishes clean. I’m all about multitasking.

And here’s the whole point of this story: I’m partnering with Procter & Gamble to help promote their new P&G eStore. Nearly every product made by P&G can be found in their store, including the Dawn Ultra Hand Renewal – Olay Beauty Pomegranate Splash Scent. I’ve looked around and found their prices to be as good as or even better than the store sale prices in our area.

Some products have instant coupons that can be applied immediately – no need to hunt around for coupon codes. They currently have some back-to-school and Olympics themed product bundles right now, helping you save even more for products you already use.

You’ll get free shipping for any purchase of $25 or more, too. I don’t need to tell you how fantastic that is – why haul all of your favorite home and personal items from the store (large size Tide containers can be heavy!) when you can have them delivered right to your doorstep for free?

Plus, if you shop through my specific link, you can also get 10% off your entire order this month. I must point out that I receive a commission from anything you buy in the P&G store from my link, too, which is mighty helpful with all of the back-to-school expenses coming up. So really, you’re getting a deal for yourself and helping me afford shoes for two children who grow too quickly. Or Dawn dish soap, if they take after me in their dish-washing abilities.

Feel free to pass my link along to friends and family so they can get in on the deals as well – I only get the commission if you shop through my link.

And if you do take advantage of the 10% off and shop through my link, please leave a comment and let me know what you bought! (Unless you’re buying personal items you’d prefer not to share. Or maybe you do want to tell me about your tampons – I’m OK with it either way!)

Now if you’ll excuse me, it’s time to go buy my Puffs and Bounty multi-packs for our school supply lists.

Face Time With Friends at Applebee’s (Giveaway!)

It’s funny how social media has made us closer and yet farther away than ever from our friends and family. Why bother calling and possibly disturbing someone when you can send a text or a tweet? We no longer have to ask, “So, how have you been?” because it’s all spelled out on our friend’s Facebook wall.

I have several friends who live in Columbus, but due to the logistics of work schedules, kids (mine), and being in different parts of the city, we rarely have the chance to get together. Yes, we should probably make more time for it, but we’ve all been guilty of letting other things get in the way.

I was recently invited to learn more about Applebee’s Life is Better Shared campaign. Their message is simple: we all spend a lot of time online, and probably have too much Facebook and not enough face-time with the people we love. It’s all about balance — it’s great to be so connected online, but it’s important to have some offline fun with friends, too. Applebee’s even has their own tumblr with some funny videos to help promote their Girls’ Night Out message. (They have a Girls’ Night Out Goddess – I can’t quite decide what I think of her. You’ll have to watch and decide for yourself.)

I’m no stranger to Applebee’s. It’s a common spot for the occasional family night out. We love their Kids Eat Free Tuesdays, and I really appreciate that the kids’ menu is standard enough to convince my picky eater to eat. (And even though it isn’t an option, they always let her choose a salad as her side.) But I’ve never really been to Applebee’s without the kids, despite seeing their promotions for Happy Hour and Girls’ Night Out.

So a few weeks ago, I decided it was time for a Girls’ Night Out. It also just so happened to be my birthday. I emailed two friends (who were my maid of honor and matron of honor in my wedding) and my sister-in-law and suggested we all have dinner out at Applebee’s. I haven’t had the chance to spend quality time with any of these three ladies in quite awhile.

My girl-power crew got there just at the end of Happy Hour, and the bar was surprisingly full. The vibe was great; the bar area had a mix of men and women of all ages, smiling, socializing and clearly enjoying their night out. It didn’t take long to decide where to start with the menu:

Applebees has great drinks, and I love that I can get a giant sized drink for less than the cost of a tiny drink in a nightclub. Three of us had two drinks before the night was through.

As we munched on appetizers of spinach & artichoke dip and wonton tacos chicken (OMG, I wanted to lick the plate these came on – so good!), the conversation came back quickly. Beyond the Facebook wall updates, we shared more intimate stories of our lives recently, discussing triumphs and frustrations, new places around town we had discovered and the lives of long-time friends.

When our meals arrived, the conversation stopped just long enough to appreciate the food in front of us, and then we began the delicate trade off of eating and talking. I was so glad my kids weren’t there – it took well over 45 minutes to finish our meals because of the non-stop conversation in-between bites. I had the sizzling Asian shrimp & broccoli – a favorite of mine. Lots of crisp veggies, plenty of shrimp, and it really does come out sizzling hot!


As the sun set and the bar area became dark, we continued to laugh and commiserate, never short on topics to talk about, one blending into the next with no awkward silences. It felt awesome to spend time with friends in person, sharing a conversation over a meal.

And then, of course, since the waiter heard it was my birthday, the staff brought out a sundae and sang happy birthday to me. (I may have turned a lovely shade of crimson at that point.) Shortly after, I found out that my second drink was picked up by a gentleman at another table since it was my birthday. First time a stranger has ever bought me a drink! Sadly, he left before I had the chance to say thank you.

We finally left about two and a half hours after we arrived and only because everyone had to work the next day and didn’t want to stay out too late. Had time not been an issue, we probably could have entertained ourselves until closing.

I love that social media keeps me so close to my friends, day and night, but there’s something to be said for getting together in person to talk. Without the barrier of technology limitations between us, interactions feel more natural and relaxed. Our night at Applebee’s was a good reminder to unplug every now and then and make the time to share some of our time and our lives with friends face-to-face.

Now WIN some time out for yourself!

When’s the last time you had a Girls’ Night Out? A week ago? A month? A year? Applebee’s and I want to know, and BlogHer and Applebee’s are giving you a chance at a $150 Applebee’s gift card just by leaving your answer to that question in a comment below!

No duplicate comments.
You may receive (2) total entries by selecting from the following entry methods:
a) Leave a comment in response to the sweepstakes prompt on this post
b) Tweet about this promotion and leave the URL to that tweet in a comment on this post
c) Blog about this promotion and leave the URL to that post in a comment on this post
d) For those with no Twitter or blog, read the official rules to learn about an alternate form of entry.
This giveaway is open to US Residents age 18 or older. Winners will be selected via random draw, and will be notified by e-mail. You have 72 hours to get back to me, otherwise a new winner will be selected.
The Official Rules are available here.
This sweepstakes runs from 7/16/12 – 8/3/12.
Be sure to visit the Applebee’s Life Is Better Shared page on where you can read other bloggers’ reviews and find more chances to win! Also, check out the Life is Better Shared campaign on Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube and Tumblr!

Good luck!

The Last Two Pounds – Going Back To What Works

How many times have I heard that the last five pounds are the hardest to lose? I’d argue it’s really the last two pounds. I’ve been hovering around 160 for weeks now, and it’s so frustrating.

Two pounds from my goal weight. More than 80 pounds lost since my highest weight. There’s no question I’m glad to be on this end of the journey, but I’m ready to blow the party horns and declare victory. Why must my body resist me so much at this point?

Due to finances being tight, we had originally planned to scrap any plans at a summer vacation. And then I won four tickets to Cedar Point. Well then…vacation is back on! The kids are asking that we visit the beach, too, which means putting on a bathing suit again. I still don’t know why this sends me into a panic, but it does.

Add on BlogHer ’12 being only a few weeks away, and I’m ready to pull out all the stops to lose these last few pounds and shape up so I can look and feel my best. I know a few pounds doesn’t really show in clothing – it’s a mental barrier for me. As I’ve lost weight, I’ve gained self-esteem. And I wouldn’t mind a little more muscle tone under my skin, either.

Luckily, I’m working with Slim-Fast again for their Slim-Fast Summer Slim-down Challenge! They helped me lose several of these last stubborn pounds, and so I’m turning to them again to help me lose the very last few. It’s not a hard plan to follow with shakes and meal bars that are so delicious and convenient.

The plan is simple: two shakes or meal bars during the day, three 100-calorie snacks, and one balanced dinner.

Mornings are always a frantic, hurried time for my family, and a Slim-Fast shake is a much better option for me than many of the other breakfast grab-and-go choices I could have. The 10 grams of protein help me feel full and keep me going all morning long. And the Rich Chocolate Royale shake tastes like I’m having dessert for breakfast!

Lunch is usually a toss-up. If I’m really busy and don’t have time to make something, I’ll grab a meal bar – the Chocolate Cookie Dough one has always been my favorite. If it’s the weekend, I often want to eat with the kids, so I’m more likely to make a 200-300 calorie lunch for myself instead.

Snacks for me usually involve 100 calories worth of nuts in the morning, a Slim-Fast snack bar in the afternoon, and either a piece of fruit or a cheese stick later in the day. It’s a flexible program, and once you learn the basics of portion control it’s easier to plan meals and snack. Still, I can’t beat the convenience of a shake or bar, and the meal and snack bars are easy to toss in my purse for on-the-go meals.

Dinner is always family time, and both Aaron and I want to create a healthier meal time for our kids. We’re working more salads and veggies into our meals, using leaner meats, and reducing our portion sizes. Honestly, I feel so much better when I haven’t been eating large amounts of sugar and carbs all day.

I’m also pulling out my “best of the best” workouts for the next two months, too. There’s a 5K through Central Park at BlogHer, and I’m planning to run as much of it as possible. There’s no way I can train up to running the entire thing by the beginning of August, but I can make it a goal to run more than I walk. Combine that with a few workout videos I love, and hopefully I’ll get a little more muscle definition on me before it’s time to put on that swimsuit.

Anyone else trying to shape up just a little before BlogHer, or before some other big end-of-summer event? We can do this, right?

Full disclosure: This post was created in connection with my appointment as an Ambassador in the Slim-Fast® Summer Slim-Down Challenge. Visit to join the conversation.

Slim-Fast Update – It’s Nearly the End!

OK, first off: thank you. I wasn’t looking for compliments when I wrote my last post, but I truly appreciated all of the kind comments on here and on Facebook and Twitter.

I still re-read that post and mostly agree with it. The self-perception goggles we wear when we look in the mirror can be our worst enemies sometimes. I wish I could still be five years old, wearing a mis-matched outfit, messy hair, scrape on my arm and dirt on my face and think I am fabulous! Instead, I have to setting for constantly reminding myself that no, my own perception is skewed and no matter how bad I think I look, it probably isn’t that bad.

Ah well, work in progress, I guess. And I’ll keep working on it.

Anyway, I’m coming up on the end of my four months serving as a Women of Wow Ambassador for Slim-Fast. I can’t believe it’s gone by so quickly! When I first started, I wondered if I could keep up with using the Slim-Fast products without getting bored. But now that I’m over three months in, I now wonder why I ever worried? This is about as easy as it can get!

I still start nearly every morning with a Slim-Fast shake, either French Vanilla or my favorite, Rich Chocolate Royale. Mornings are chaotic around here, and I simply don’t have time to make myself breakfast while I’m getting the kids ready for school, packing their lunches, and starting my work day.

The shake is a perfect solution: it’s quick, tasty and filling. I can drink it while checking my email, or if I’m having a particularly rough morning, I can drink it in the car while taking Mira to preschool. The protein and fiber keep me feeling full for most of the morning – some days I don’t even notice I’m hungry until lunchtime, skipping a morning snack entirely. As someone who used to skip breakfast routinely (or eat something very unhealthy), a quick shake is the perfect solution and keeps me from reaching a ravenous state of hangry (you know, angry from being so hungry) by late morning.

I alternate Slim-Fast snack bars with other 100-calorie snacks now. It’s been great to discover that I can still snack without blowing my plan for the day. I always keep a Slim-Fast snack bar in my purse for when hunger hits when I’m not at home. At home, though, I’ll also include a small Greek yogurt, or baby carrots and a cheese stick, or a 100-calorie pack of almonds in my snack rotation.

The results of the past three months have been great, though: I’m down six pounds, which doesn’t sound like a lot, but I’ve also lost an inch from my waist and an inch and a half from my hips. I feel healthier, I look better, and I’ve done it all without starving myself or putting myself through any kind of torture. That’s the right way to lose weight!

I’m four lousy pounds away from reaching my goal. FOUR POUNDS. It’s gonna happen this year for sure, and I’m certain it’s going to happen before my birthday in June, just like I said it would.

My plan for the next month is to get back to my couch to 5K plan (which derailed during spring break) and fit in more boot camp classes to build more muscle. There’s a 5K at the end of May that I’m planning to enter, and I’d prefer to run more than walk it.

I’m planning for a GREAT summer!

Full disclosure: This post was created in connection with my appointment as an Ambassador in the Slim-Fast Women of WOW! Program. Visit to join the conversation.

Slim-Fast Plan Day (& Giveaway!)

I started couch-to-5K again a little over a week ago, starting with week two but then jumping to week three on Wednesday. I’m proud to say I’ve kept going with it, and if this raging sore throat I have today doesn’t stop me, I’ll start week four today.

Exercise goes hand-in-hand with good nutrition, and I credit a lot of that to starting the Slim-Fast plan. The shakes and meal bars are full of vitamins and minerals and have the right balance of nutrients to keep me going, which is more than I can say for my previous breakfast of toast. Or nothing, which is a breakfast I don’t recommend at all.

Today just happens to be 3/21, which Slim-Fast has declared the Slim-Fast Plan Day. (Get it? 3/21 = the Slim-Fast 3-2-1 plan. It’s like Pi day, but with a guilt-free chocolate shake instead of pie.) To celebrate, I’ve got a few goodies to pass along to some of you!

First, I’ve got two coupons for free Slim-Fast products. You can either use the coupon on a free four pack of shakes or a box of meal bars – your choice! Two winners will receive one coupon each.

And the grand prize: a gorgeous scarf to accessorize for Spring! While I was at Studio Wow! in New York, I met with Jacqui Stafford for some fashion tips. I told her accessories were one thing I didn’t feel comfortable with, so Jacqui turned to a wall of Bindya NY scarves and plucked one off the wall to drape around my neck.

The wall of scarves – beautiful!

She showed me how easy it was to dress up an outfit with a scarf as well as several ways to wear it. After her instruction, I tried out this look at Blissdom and I think I did a good job at making it work!

It’s a fuzzy pic, but you get the idea.

One winner will be selected to win a scarf from Jacqui’s collection to help you look fantastic for your moment of Wow! (Pattern of scarf will vary but I guarantee it’ll look great.)

So that’s three winners total for Slim-Fast Plan Day: two getting a coupon for free Slim-Fast products, one getting a fantastic Bindya scarf. (And yes, it’s possible to win both the scarf and a coupon if declares you to be very lucky!)

To enter: leave a comment below telling me your favorite accessory. (This entry method is mandatory.) Be sure to leave your email address so I can contact you if you’re the winner.

For additional entries – optional, of course (1 per method – leave a separate comment for each):

Follow Slim-Fast on Twitter and leave a separate comment with your Twitter username.
– Like Slim-Fast on Facebook
– Leave a comment on one of my Women of Wow posts on the Slim-Fast Facebook page (leave a comment here with your FB name)
– Write on the Slim-Fast Facebook Wall that you entered the Slim-Fast Plan Day Giveaway at Losing My Hind with a link back to this post.

Entries will be accepted until Wednesday, March 28 at 11:59pm EDT. One entry per method, for up to five entries total, US residents only. After that date, three winners will be selected at random to receive each of the prizes. Winners will be contacted by email and each will have 48 hours to respond or an alternate winner will be selected.

Full disclosure: This post was created in connection with my appointment as an Ambassador in the Slim-Fast Women of WOW! Program. Visit to join the conversation.

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