My Day In NYC For the Slim-Fast Studio WOW! Experience

On Tuesday, I had the whirlwind trip of a lifetime: fly to New York, meet with the Slim-Fast team and five amazing experts in nutrition, food, fashion, beauty and photography, and then fly back to Columbus, all in the same day. Sounds crazy, right? It was. But it was a fantastic kind of crazy.

I was a little nervous when leaving that morning. Not because of the event, but because the weather was stormy and windy. Once we were above the clouds, though? Gorgeous.

When I reached NYC, I was taken from the airport to the heart of Manhattan to the Slim-Fast Studio Wow! penthouse. This place was beautiful, decorated with lots of white and red, and stations for each of the team of experts to work and talk.

Who are these “experts” you may wonder? Well, I’m glad you asked. Meet the superheroes I like to call Team Studio Wow!:

(That would be Ali Auerbach, Robin Miller, Joey Maalouf, Nigel Barker, and Jacqui Stafford)

I was the first blogger to arrive, so I relaxed on a couch and chatted with the Slim-Fast team until the others arrived. There are ten Women of Wow bloggers, but only five could make it to the event. Once we were all assembled, we were taken to lunch at Bryant Park Grill.

(Holli, me, Stacey, Agnes, & Tiffany in the damp, cold weather)

Once we returned to Studio Wow!, it was time for the magic to begin. One-by-one we met with each of the experts to ask questions and get advice to make 2012 our year of wow. I first met with Ali, the Registered Dietitian for Slim-Fast. We discussed proper nutrition and how Slim-Fast can make it easy to get the nutrients you need each day, even when you’re on-the-go.

Next I met with Robin, who introduced me to some of her incredible 500-calorie or less meals. She discussed how to use simple spices and flavorings to make low-calorie meals anything but boring. Even though we had just come back from lunch, I didn’t hesitate to sample every item she had! I plan to share at least a few of the recipes here in the following weeks – yum!

After Robin I met with Jacqui to discuss fashion. When she started the conversation asking me what questions I might have for her regarding fashion, I immediately joked that I wouldn’t even know where to start because I’m really a jeans-and-t-shirt kind of women. We then started discussing accessories – a foreign topic to me – and how to use them to accent any outfit. Other than my wedding ring, I’m generally accessory free, so I didn’t know where to begin.

Jacqui demonstrated different ways to wear a scarf, which felt completely silly to me but she assured me looked fantastic. I guess it takes some getting used to? I vowed to her that I would make an effort to include more accessories into my wardrobe in the months ahead.(And Jacqui gave me a lovely scarf to get me started!)

Joey was up next, and before my butt even hit the seat he was already running his hands through my hair and making decisions on how to make my hair look glamorous. I confess that I barely remember this part because it was a frenzy of activity – he danced around my chair with a large barrel curling iron while a lovely woman (name I can’t remember – sorry!) ducked his hot iron to touch up my makeup and create a smoky eye look that I’ve never been able to master. I have to admit – I looked really good.

Before the mascara was even dry, I was then escorted to my final stop: a photo session with Nigel Barker. Suddenly I was nervous: I have a lot of trouble looking natural when the camera, and the focus, is on me. Nigel is a famous photographer, and I didn’t want to be the one utter failure in his portfolio! We chatted at first about my blog, how much weight I’ve already lost, and my experience in raising a daughter with autism. He has a niece with autism, and we quickly fell into a discussion about the amazing talents of the two autistic girls we know.

His team put on some music (Pink, of course), and I tried to loosen up. Nigel was very patient in directing me on how to look good for the camera, even though I was stressing myself out about doing it correctly. It was a lot of fun, but I still worry that my photos will have the forced smile I get when I’m worried about looking good. We’ll see, right? (And another goal for this year – learn to relax when I’m in front of the camera.)

As if that wasn’t enough, they encouraged me to take all of the Slim-Fast bars I could get on the plane! Considering how much I love the bars, I wish I would have brought a bigger bag!

By 4:30pm, I was back in a car on my way to the airport again. The day went by so quickly! Everyone was exceptionally nice, and aside from the pampering I left with a renewed confidence in myself and a commitment to my goals. The Slim-Fast Studio Wow! event showed me that reaching those goals is not only possible, but can be a lot of fun, too.

The Women of Wow tab is now live on the Slim-Fast Facebook page – I’d love it if you’d visit my profile there and give me a little support. Be sure to check out the other Women of Wow, too!

Full disclosure: This post was created in connection with my appointment as an Ambassador in the Slim-Fast Women of WOW! Program. Visit to join the conversation. 

I’ve Got Exciting News To Share!

I’ve been sitting on a big secret for weeks, and I’m so excited that I can finally tell everyone about it. As you may know, I did a review for the new Slim-Fast shakes a few months back. I loved the new shakes and the swap from can to plastic bottle, and easily incorporated a Slim-Fast shake or meal bar into my diet when I needed a convenient, on-the-go meal.

So then last month, Slim-Fast contacted me and asked if I’d like to be one of 10 blogger brand ambassadors for Slim-Fast to start the new year. With little hesitation, I said YES!

What does it mean to be a brand ambassador? Well, for the next 3.5 months I get to be one of the Women of WOW! (cool name, no?) sharing my experience with losing weight and getting healthy with the help of Slim-Fast shakes, meal bars and snacks. I’ll be posting tips on how to lose weight no matter how hectic your life can be, and providing as much support as I can to anyone else trying to reach their WOW moment.

 (and I got some goodies to get me started…yum!)

Slim-Fast is asking everyone to make a Vow to Wow in 2012. What’s my vow, you ask? It’s simple: all of my adult life, I’ve been “overweight” and even “obese” by most standards. I’ve worked very hard to lose most of that weight, and I’m currently about 10 pounds away from being what the medical and insurance industries consider the top of the “normal” weight range. For the first time in my adult life, I’m determined to be at a healthy weight for my next birthday.

I hope you’ll all follow along on my journey with me, and join in if you’d like. (Whether you’re using Slim-Fast or not – setting and working towards a goal for the year is a fantastic way to improve your health!) I’m starting my journey tomorrow with, well, a real journey to New York City for the Slim-Fast Studio Wow event which will coincide with the launch of the Women of WOW! tab on the Slim-Fast Facebook page. I’ll be posting regularly on the Slim-Fast Facebook page, and you’ll see some giveaways hosted right here very soon.

I promise this blog won’t be all Slim-Fast, all the time – it’s still me, and while I love the convenience of the products, there’s a lot more that goes into weight loss that I plan to cover as well.

Watch my Twitter and Facebook posts tomorrow for updates of my day in NYC, or follow along on the Slim-Fast Facebook page or the Twitter hashtag #SFStudioWow.

I said at the beginning of January that this was going to be my year to shine, and I feel like I’ve got all of the tools to make it happen. I hope you’ll all support me, and I’d be happy to return the favor in kind.

Full disclosure: This post was created in connection with my appointment as an Ambassador in the Slim-Fast Women of WOW! Program. Visit to join the conversation.

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