The No Good, Very Bad Day

So far today:

– I walked outside yesterday to get the mail and discovered a flat tire on the SUV. The tires are only two months old. Took the car in this morning, meaning I’m without a car for the day. I hope the leak can be plugged, because I really don’t want to buy another new tire.

– While getting Mira out of her crib for her overnight bottle, I notice my nightshirt is suddenly warm and wet. Then notice she’s wet. Then check and find the entire crib wet. Change the leaky diaper, her sleeper, the sheets, and my shirt before putting her back to bed. (No, she didn’t get a bath before I put her back to bed. Call me a bad mother all you want – at least I’m a bad mother who got a little bit of sleep.)

– Wake up again to find Aaron standing beside the bed telling me to go downstairs and watch Cordy because he can’t stand to be near her at the moment. Find out that she knocked his computer off the couch (while he was trying to get her to stop jumping on the couch), and now it won’t start up again.

– Aaron calls tech support, who walks him through dismantling half of the laptop to diagnose the problem. With every non-essential piece spread out across the table, we find out it still won’t work. The motherboard is possibly fried, and the in-home support tech may not be here until tomorrow.

– Cordy didn’t have school yesterday because of a teacher training day. Today?

Snow day. (You’d swear we lived in the south – this warrants a day off?) So no school again, and she’s starting to go manic. And I’m starting to consider if cocktails at noon is such a bad thing.

– Mira is also cutting one of her top teeth. She’s Cranky McCranker-Pants today. And she’s stepped up her attempts to eat all the paper, hair and carpet fuzz she can find.

– Just a few minutes ago, Cordy went up to her room to play, and I heard a *thunk*…*thunk* coming from her room. Walked in to find her in the glider, rocking it hard enough to slam it into the wall, forming a lovely dent in the wall. At least I caught her before it progressed to a full hole in the wall.

Can I get a break, please? Surely all of this is building up some good karma for something, right?

PS – It’s only 10:45 am.

Haiku Friday: Weather Report

The weather forecast:
Maybe snow or maybe ice
They get paid for this?

One says a shovel
Another an ice scraper
Weathermen don’t know

I’m really not sure what to expect this weekend. Our area is already under a winter storm watch for Saturday, but no one can say for certain what’s coming. However, it’s enough to send the city into a panic to buy up all the bread and milk at the grocery. You’d think we were living in Atlanta, not Columbus. It’s a little ice and snow, people! We’re Ohioans – we can handle this!

Also, in keeping with today’s haiku theme, I wanted to let you all know about a haiku contest at Details can be found at their site, but the basics are if you e-mail them a haiku about one of their products, you can win a cool prize. And for each entry they receive, they’ll donate $.50 to Doctors Without Borders. Deadline is Dec. 22.

To play along for Haiku Friday, follow these steps:

1. Write your own haiku on your blog. You can do one or many, all following a theme or just random. What’s a haiku, you ask? Click here.

2. Sign the Mister Linky below or at Jennifer’s blog with your name and the link to your haiku post (the specific post URL, not your generic blog URL). We will delete your link if it doesn’t go to a haiku. If you need help with this, contact Jennifer or myself.

3. Pick up a Haiku Friday button to display on the post or in your sidebar by clicking the button above.

A Quick Note To My Neighbors

Did you all miss the news where the governor of Ohio said we should all help our neighbors out during this snow storm?

Clearly you saw your very pregnant neighbor early this afternoon, trying to clear her car of the snow and ice. I know because I saw you looking out the window. Plus, it was hard to miss hearing your kid pounding on the window at me, as if I was an animal in the zoo, when I fell on my butt on the uneven, icy ground. It’s OK, I really didn’t need the help, even after I fell a second time, and was clearly struggling to keep my footing.

Of course, two hours later, when I was trying to go to work, not only did you watch out your window as I got stuck in the snow plow wake in the street, but apparently other neighbors also joined in to watch as well. You watched as I tried to dig my car out of a rut with only a long-handled ice scraper, huffing and puffing, not offering your able-bodied self as I repeated my attempt to leave, then dig out, then attempt to leave, several times over. I’m glad I could provide some mid-afternoon entertainment for your family.

Special thanks to the neighbors across the street: I noticed you peek out your window to see what all the noise was, but I guess you couldn’t bother to help. Especially with your freakin’ snow blower.

And to the neighbor who drove right past me, on the plowed side of the street: thanks for that little wave, and for narrowly missing me with your car, but I really would have preferred it if you stopped to give me a push. Guess you were too busy trying to get to some important destination, and had no time to lend your strength to a pregnant woman who was clearly having trouble standing up on the ice and snow, much less digging in it with an ice scraper.


How NOT To Take Your Toddler Out Into The Snow

1. Decide it’s OK to play in the snow, even though your toddler has been a cranky nightmare.

Never a good idea.

2. Don’t check the back door before you suit up, to make sure the door isn’t iced shut.

Yeah, it might have been smart this morning to check the door first. Turns out, it had a small snow drift up against it, with a layer of ice over that, making the door impossible to open. I pushed it, I kicked it, I put my whole body weight into the door, but nothing would open it. Of course, Cordy was at the door the entire time, anxious to go outside.

I tried to tell her that we needed to go to the front door, but this two year old can’t comprehend changes in plans like that, and the tantrum began. She wanted the door open – right now. And my inability to open the storm door was translated to her as I got her all dressed up only to dash her dreams of playing in the snow. This was the result:

Change is hard.

3. Carry crying toddler to the front door, then force her outside.

She screamed and cried until I dumped her down on the ground outside. Then, realizing she was out in the snow, she suddenly was very, very happy.

Wow, mommy, those are some big footprints.

4. Tell toddler we’ll go into the backyard via the gate, only to find gate latch iced shut as well.

Foiled again.

5. Promise toddler snow, when actually a half inch of freezing rain fell after the snow, forming a hard shell on top of five inches of snow.

There’s nothing fun about playing on hard ice. And Cordy didn’t weigh enough to break through most of it. I barely broke through it with each step.

Today – walking on snow. Tomorrow – walking on water?

6. Allow toddler to play outside without mittens, resulting in very cold hands.

She fought me several times over the issue of mittens, so I gave up and let her out without mittens. Our time outside lasted less than 10 minutes before she came up to me, holding her hands out, and started crying and saying, “Hands! Hands!”

I picked her up, brought her inside, and stripped off the outer layer of clothing (she had on two pairs of pants, two pairs of socks, etc.). Grabbing a fleece blanket off the couch, I wrapped her up, held her on my lap, and helped her warm up. Soon she was happy again.

But despite the happy ending, this is not the way to play in the snow.

Yeah, this sucks.

Snow Day

Remember when I was lamenting winter’s absence earlier this year?

I take it all back.

There is a sidewalk and a few rocks under there somewhere.

I think that’s my car under the snow drift.

First was the snow, and now we have nothing but freezing rain and ice falling, which will turn back to snow tonight. The entire city – schools, libraries, city government, universities (even Ohio State!), major businesses – has been shut down.

Well, the entire city is shut down, except for the State of Ohio offices, even though the State’s legislative government already called off for the day. So my husband is still stuck out in this, while everyone else has been sent home.

And I’m snowed/iced in with a cranky, semi-sick toddler who won’t nap and only wants to watch Dora all day. Whee! Expect to see me commenting on every blog today. Even archived posts.

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